“Thanks Matt!” – IOTW Report

“Thanks Matt!”

Watch Jeb get waylaid by Matt Lauer. He walks into the verbal equivalent of “your zippers undone … whoooooooooooop!”

He accepts a compliment before Lauer is done talking and Lauer’s point is anything but a compliment.


HT/ Mr. Pinko

13 Comments on “Thanks Matt!”

  1. Oh yeah. Be like McCain “Show your heart”. No thanks. I agree with the above….the fix is in and he shows his confidence in that. If I don’t like the nominated candidate, I’ll probably do a write-in.

  2. Why does Jeb always look like he just smelled his own fart? He said “this is the way it’s always been done in politics.” Well, since he accepts that premise, then we’ll have more of the same if he gets elected. I can’t stand him, there’s just something about the guy that makes me distrust him. He’s got that entitlement attitude. I do not like him and would never vote for him.

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