That’s Okay Gretch… – IOTW Report

That’s Okay Gretch…

ht/ Shang

35 Comments on That’s Okay Gretch…

  1. …yeeeah, no…and while we’re on the subject, though, I’ve always suspected THIS song as being a MASSIVE collection of double entendres like that…

    “On the pontoon
    Makin’ waves and catchin’ rays up on the roof
    Jumpin’ out the back, don’t act like you don’t want to
    Party in slow motion
    I’m out here in the open

    On the pontoon

    (Hoo hoo hoo)”
    Little Big Town, “Pontoon”


  2. She needs a good bottom scrape, Captain. There be barnacles galore. And pileworms, limpets and those nasty Chinese mussels growin’ all over below ‘er waterline.

  3. I don’t like to comment on people’s looks, but this woman makes it personal. She hates us and that makes me want her gone, off the radar, serving sloppy joes to the unwashed masses at the state fair.

    Ok, so I didn’t comment on her looks. But I came this || far.

  4. Hi C,
    I agree with you, I don’t like when people have to use ones looks at a weaponized tool.

    BUT that said? We are dealing with a bunch of ‘tools’ and all bets are being called in now. This POS is a piece of dry ice, do not touch, and do not breath in those fumes, it is quite toxic.

    IF YOU see the evil as a woman, imagine how US guys feel!!! :>)


  5. Claudia
    APRIL 14, 2020 AT 6:55 PM
    “Jimmy, it must be the eyes. I see that evil in both if these woman’s eyes.”

    APRIL 14, 2020 AT 6:59 PM
    “And their mouths, Claudia:”

    …why stop there? Keep going, the Bible does…

    “16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

    17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

    18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

    19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.”
    Proverbs 6:16-19

    …that’s Democrats, in a nutshell…

  6. gonna be hilarious watching Drooling Joe try to feel this woman up every stop along the campaign, if he his handlers pick her for VP candidate

    … I can picture his dentures popping out w/ regularity

  7. She certainly could be considered much like Jezebel. A power hungry, Godless, envious, hate-filled narcissist – ref. 1 Kings 19+. So many leftist woman carry the same spirital defect. Also, most evil people are not necessarily unattractive. In fact, they are typically just the opposite.

    BTW, After persecuting the prophets of God, Jezebel was turned into puppy chow.


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