The “800 Pound” Rapper – IOTW Report

The “800 Pound” Rapper

800lbs Rapper Performs Seated on Couch while Connected to Oxygen tank.
Salty Cracker has the details. *spicy language*

26 Comments on The “800 Pound” Rapper

  1. Purple Jell-O Roll. Seriously this dude needs to be on Ozempic ASAP. His claim to fame, being a rapper the size of four large men could take him out with his next breath.

  2. I should have typed I struggled to get UP to 155 at one point. I’m, I was, 6 foot tall when I was 18 to about 40 years old. I’m a bit shorter, now. My normal weight was 145. Then I did a pretty horrific job over some weeks that got me down to 130. I couldn’t get above 130 for years.

    I don’t know what the answer is, but I DO know 800 pounds is wrong.


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