The Alamo needs ‘Reimagining” – IOTW Report

The Alamo needs ‘Reimagining”


Clash Daily: Now The Alamo Is Being Deemed ‘Offensive’ – Could It Be Next?.

There’s a new plan underway to ‘reimagine’ the Alamo… and it’s a load of crap.

A plan to restore and ‘reimagine’ the Alamo been in the works for some years, and it’s not just a sprucing up of the place.

It’s a whole new ‘reimagined’ Alamo that won’t focus on the battle that the site is known for.

The Master Planner of the project, George Skarmeas, said, ‘We cannot single out one moment in time.’  MORE

14 Comments on The Alamo needs ‘Reimagining”

  1. It’s horrific people are awarded peace prizes named after Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite that has killed countless people and broken up families the world over (and contributed greatly to global warming). Take this symbol of destruction and murder away from those whom they have been awarded to, starting with Obama, algore, Jimmy Carter.

  2. I suggest that anyone – ANYONE – who wants to mess with the Alamo read these excerpts from a letter by its commander, Col. William Barret Travis, and be forewarned:

    “I am besieged, by a thousand or more of the Mexicans under Santa Anna – I have sustained a continual Bombardment & cannonade for 24 hours & have not lost a man – The enemy has demanded a surrender at discretion, otherwise, the garrison are to be put to the sword, if the fort is taken – I have answered the demand with a cannon shot, & our flag still waves proudly from the walls – I shall never surrender or retreat.

    …I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible & die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor & that of his country – Victory or Death.”

  3. that’s what communist do, erase history.

    days away from “fundamental transformation of our country” from a republic to communism.

    gun confiscation, thought crimes, redistribution of wealth to the wealthy and politically connected and of course the gulag for the objecting deplorables.

    obama said it.
    didn’t anyone believe him ?

  4. @ Bill: that’s what they do. In Cambodia, 1975, it was called the ‘Zero Year.’ Then came the Killing fields.
    History can, and will, repeat itself, if it is not erased first.

    Don’t mess with Texas.

    “”A gentleman from Nacogdoches, in Texas, informs us, that, whilst there, he dined in public with col. Crockett, who had just arrived from Tennessee. The old bear-hunter, on being toasted, made a speech to the Texians, replete with his usual dry humor. He began nearly in this style: “I am told, gentlemen, that, when a stranger, like myself, arrives among you, the first inquiry is – what brought you here? To satisfy your curiosity at once to myself, I will tell you all about it. I was, for some years, a member of congress. In my last canvass, I told the people of my district, that, if they saw fit to re-elect me, I would serve them as faithfully as I had done; but, if not, they might go to h__, and I would go to Texas. I was beaten, gentlemen, and here I am.” The roar of applause was like a thunder-burst. [Louisville Journal.

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