The Argument Against Building The Wall – IOTW Report

The Argument Against Building The Wall


You’ll be seeing a lot of this author, Kimball Taylor in the MSM if indeed the Trump Administration follows through and tries to build a wall with Mexico.  If you support the effort you need to know the two key points to the arguments they will use to oppose it.
a) demographics south of the border no longer favors mass migration North
b) No wall can keep people out.


Personally, I’d rather see the economic incentives removed for illegal immigrants.

27 Comments on The Argument Against Building The Wall

  1. “a) demographics south of the border no longer favors mass migration North”


    “b) No wall can keep people out.”


  2. I think we need to build the wall out of the people that say we can’t build the wall.

    The Great Wall of China reportedly only holds the bodies of 1 million dead workers. We can do *way* better than that.

  3. All the Federal laws are already on the books.
    Have been for years.
    All Trump’s DoJ has to do is enforce them.

    And enforce the existing legal penalties for harboring illegal aliens.

    Arrest a couple of self proclaimed sanctuary city mayors. Prosecute. Make them examples.
    The rest will trip over themselves to cooperate when they realize their illegal constituencies are fleeing back to Mexico.
    Never to return.


  4. “Personally, I’d rather see the economic incentives removed for illegal immigrants.”

    Personally, you’re a f*cking idiot if you think that “economic incentives removed” ALONE (which is what your use of the word “rather” suggests) will do.

    a) Demographics?! THEY CHANGE…CONSTANTLY.
    b) How many people have you seen walking through walls?!?

    RE: b)…how few escaped the East Germany walls, compared to how many WOULD HAVE ESCAPED without a wall?!?
    Q E f*cking D, baby.

  5. Another argument to be on the lookout for is the old but the money we spend on useless, evil, nasty X could be better spent on Y.

    The main refutation of that is that when nay-sayers succeed in stopping X they never ever spend the money on Y.

  6. Special Snowflake Sauce mix formulation
    Portland cement will build it

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  7. Make it impossible for illegals to wire money home, or rent an apartment, or work day labor for cash, without showing proof of US citizenship/residency visa.

    Enforce E-Verify.

    Enforce the many laws prohibiting any Federal funds for benefits to Illegals.

    By the way, “NUMBERSUSA” is a great organization with a great website and very effective lobbying activism.
    Donations are tax deductible and money well and wisely spent. Lots of respect for those folks.

  8. If He doesn’t build the wall, we’ll have been LIED TO by ANOTHER RINO. If you thought the revolution that nominated and elected Trump! was awesome, the one that comes after this possible betrayal will be ten times stronger. Hopefully, we’ll never find out. BUILD THE WALL

  9. “Personally, I’d rather see the economic incentives removed for illegal immigrants.”

    AGREED! Require e-Verify for all hiring, crush H1B abuse or drastically cut it in general, prosecute anyone who harbors immigration lawbreakers including sanctuary cities, and beef up border patrols by a factor of 5 and given them effective policing powers. THAT would be FAR more effective than a mammoth wall.

  10. @Czar of D name calling is the tool of the left, not an argument. It’s an admission to having no good counter argument other than insults.

    How about this:
    a.) Demographics South of the border is only one factor driving people North – it’s violence, instability and economic chaos that needs to be addressed in those nations and we do little to force their government to do better if we keep opening the safety valve by letting their most aggressive in ahead of the law abiding.

    b.) Not enforcing the current laws and not at least trying to improve our border security sends the wrong message to our neighbors to the South or those who seek to entry our country to commit crimes and terrorism.

    Even if enhanced border protection prevents a fraction of the those violating our laws, we have the right and the obligation to enforce our laws or stop being a nation.

    Next time, start with a good argument then finish with the insults if you must.

  11. @Czar of Defenestration

    How many would have escaped if that wall lacked guards with automatic weapons and the will to use them?

    If 500 hundred people a day are crossing the border illegally and we shoot fifty of them dead, the need for a wall will probably diminish.

  12. The best idea is to use a multi pronged approach. On land build the wall, on the Rio Grande River, use concertina wire, land mines, and search lights. Mine the US side of the Rio Grande for about a mile from the shore. Post warning signs in English.

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