“The Bidens Are the Most Corrupt Political Family in U.S. History” – Donald Trump Jr. – IOTW Report

“The Bidens Are the Most Corrupt Political Family in U.S. History” – Donald Trump Jr.

Pretty impactful video. Is anyone in power listening?

ht/ c. steven tucker

19 Comments on “The Bidens Are the Most Corrupt Political Family in U.S. History” – Donald Trump Jr.

  1. Corrupt indeed yes more corrupt than the Clinton’s ? that’s a close call more corrupt than the Bush’s yeah probably. One thing I will say for Biden he doesn’t have 50 or 60 former associates who committed suicide or were murdered/died in strange accidents. At least that we know of anyway. Biden’s Stupid big mouth is his biggest reason we know about his corruption

  2. If what Junior said is not true, then I would imagine the Bidens could sue for slander. Of course, it would have to NOT be true. I would imagine that the Trump campaign can prove what we just heard. If this is true, then the Bidens are guilty of what the Democrats accused Trump of.

  3. They are among. the worst. we may not have complete details on the Rockefelers, Fords, Vanderbuilts, or Hearst’s.Probably more, but that is just is off the top of m]y head.

  4. Rat Fink, or when an old Ford LTD starts staring at you with its headlights and is breathing in and out glaring at you and smiling with its grill. And I was trying to read a label on something at a convenience store and all the letters were melting. That was the one and only time I ever did acid, it scared the hell out of me. It was like I was inside of a psychedelic cartoon and I couldn’t get out of it.

  5. DavidW,

    One of Hunter’s former business partners (currently serving time for yet another shady deal) has turned over his password and email account to Prager and Giuliani (if I remember that correctly); so yes, this has been verified…and then some.

    To quote Joe Biden from 2010: This is a big fucking deal!

  6. CCNV — It was Cooney, one of the three (Biden, Archer and Cooney) who were busted on securities fraud, etc. Archer was indicted, Biden walked, Cooney was the only one jailed. Now he’s on a vendetta against the other two.

    The DoJ should start with how and why Hunter Biden has been given a pass on a number of crimes, including his drug use. It’s because of his father. And that would be a good start right there. All these loser kids of pols should have their arrest records reexamined.

  7. Keep in mind that none of the Leftist pols are safe from each other. Even if one particular family seems more corrupt (Clintons, Bidens, Feinsteins, Pelosi, Oblowme, etc.), they’ve all got emails, pictures, videos, etc. on each other. Each of them are easy extortion prey to one another. Who knows? I could definitely see the oblowme’s extorting all of them! Someone like Ilhan Omar could easily make them all look the other way, for example.

    There is no honor among thieves.

  8. Thanks, Don Jr., for the Biden family reminder/update (and your sincere concern)…

    Unbelievably believable!!!

    Hope I’m still around in 2024 (and still making samiches ’till then). All good Americans always have open arms and love for honest and good people, even more so by 2024…just sayin’.

    All the Best and Prayers.

  9. Kennedy?

    C’mon man! That’s like trying to pick out the stinkiest turd in the cesspool!
    Corruption in terms of Treason?
    Money accrued?
    Countries influenced?
    Opponents’ deaths?

    Need some criteria, here!

    izlamo delenda est …


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