The brazen plot against Trump by the Obama-era FBI and DOJ continues, enabled by a complicit media – IOTW Report

The brazen plot against Trump by the Obama-era FBI and DOJ continues, enabled by a complicit media

FOX: A stench has been emanating from the J. Edgar Hoover Building (FBI headquarters) for over two years. It landed Saturday on the front page of the New York Times in an article citing “former law enforcement officials” claiming they had to deal with “explosive implications” that President Donald Trump was “knowingly” or “unwittingly” working for Russia. Thus, the story goes, there was a basis to begin the Russia collusion investigation.

In fact, “The Gray Lady” was covering the derrieres of the Obama administration officials involved in the cabal to frame Trump, who now fear an imminent Special Counsel finding that during the 2016 campaign there was no collusion between Trump and the Russians. The article is intended to convey the following message: Even though there was no evidence to support the allegations, those making the decision to investigate Trump did so in good faith.

No, they did not. The rotting of the FBI hierarchy began when then-Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and then-agent Peter Strzok, enabled by former Director James Comey and the Obama-era Justice Department, utilized an “unsubstantiated” dossier created by former British spy, Christopher Steele, and financed by the Clinton campaign, to request a FISA warrant to wiretap Trump campaign advisor Carter Page. Yet, the New York Times described the dossier as a “factor fuel[ing]” the “FBI’s concerns.”

We have been involved in the criminal justice process for decades. Never have we seen a law enforcement person concerned about anything unsubstantiated.

Another “factor” was that Trump “refused to criticize Russia on the campaign trail.” Really? Where was the FBI or DOJ angst in 2012 when President Barack Obama requested then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev tell Vladimir Putin that after the election, he would have “more flexibility” to deal with serious stuff like missile defense?

Where was the angst when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attempted a Russian reset? Was anyone in law enforcement tossing his cookies in 2010 when her spouse, Bill Clinton, took $500,000 from a Russian entity comprised of former Russian intelligence operatives? Or when the Obama administration allowed corrupt Russian-controlled companies to purchase Uranium One, thereby acquiring 20 percent of the U.S. uranium supply.  more here

13 Comments on The brazen plot against Trump by the Obama-era FBI and DOJ continues, enabled by a complicit media

  1. moe tom.

    The FBI has a strong record of being REALLY stupid. Please review the FBI shoot out in 1986.
    I’ve actually dealt with them. For about a year. Wasn’t to impressed.

  2. Language is important. This should never be referred to as an “investigation”.

    It’s a coup attempt. And it should be put down like a coup.

    Trump should declassify all of the FBI’s dirty laundry. From the Civil Roghts era, Waco, Ruby Ridge, the War on Terrorism. This organization sucks and should be abolished.

  3. We’ve had these criminal acts explained and dissected every way imaginable and yet not one of these traitorous bastards have been held to account thus far. In fact they continue along making a mockery of our justice system without a single hint of concern.
    When do we hear about some overdue consequences?


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