The Corrupting Influence Of Hillary’s State Department – IOTW Report

The Corrupting Influence Of Hillary’s State Department

Recent e-mails released to Judicial Watch indicate that then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Undersecretary Patrick Kennedy make various offers of overseas postings for FBI agents if the bureau would downgrade the secrecy classifications of various e-mails that were found on Anthony Weiner’s lap top. More

Judicial Watch also reports that Hillary’s lawyer David Kendall contacted FBI headquarters to pressure them to bury the findings of a number of classified e-mails left on Weiner’s computer. More 

9 Comments on The Corrupting Influence Of Hillary’s State Department

  1. It’s good to know that they had to bribe the FBI to get favors. I’d be worried if they did it out of loyalty.

    That McCabe, though, he’s a weird one. I wouldn’t trust him farther than I could shoot him out of a cannon.

  2. @Nunya Bidness:

    That McCabe…I wouldn’t trust him farther than I could shoot him out of a cannon.

    I’m uncertain what to make of your comment. Can we please go ahead and shoot McCabe out of a cannon to help me understand?


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