The Diverse Hatreds of the Democrats – IOTW Report

The Diverse Hatreds of the Democrats

Sultan Knish: On Saturday, the Human Rights Campaign, the country’s top gay rights lobby, held its 22nd annual dinner. Top speakers included Joe Biden, who bemoaned the lack of acceptance for gay people, Anne Hathaway, who shrieked, “Let’s tear this world apart and build a better one”, and Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, who declared, “The age of bullies and bigots is not fully behind us”.

Holder would know. He was last seen posing with Louis Farrakhan at Aretha Franklin’s funeral. The leader of the Nation of Islam is both a bigot and a bully. He also loathes gay people.

The HRC dinner was taking place at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center concurrently with the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Phoenix Awards.

Holder’s boss, Barack Obama, had been caught posing with Farrakhan at a Congressional Black Caucus event. And multiple CBC members have refused to condemn Farrakhan. They include Rep. Danny Davis, who had called Farrakhan an “outstanding human being”. They also include Rep. Maxine Waters.

On Friday, the day before, Rep. Maxine Waters had received the National Leadership Award from the National Newspaper Publishers Association.

The NNPA is an association of black papers that includes Final Call, the paper of Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. Ford, GM, AT&T, Pfizer, AARP, Comcast, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation act as partners and sponsors of an association that includes a notorious racist and anti-Semitic hate group.

Ford had spent a long time trying to live down its past association with another anti-Semitic paper, The Dearborn Independent, only to end up associated with yet another violently anti-Semitic publication.

The HRC has its own extensive relationship with Ford. It has nothing to say about Ford’s NNPA role.  keep reading


h/t Really Enraged

10 Comments on The Diverse Hatreds of the Democrats

  1. How can they bemoan the lack of progress? Black infrastructure, as listed in this article, is quite extensive and supported (as the Gay Agenda is as well) by corporations who have been Jesse Jackson’ed and Al Sharptonized to give as if were a tax.

    Public behavior that would have scandalized society 75 years ago is embraced and celebrated. Each month it seems as if the age of consent for sex is reduced to the point now where most courts would consider 10 year olds emancipated. Abortions are the norm, pregnancy and child rearing are only opportunities to prove diversity of gender.

    Face it folks we are in social, moral, and ethical hell and we’ve thrown away any hope in fundamental beliefs and values. Right and wrong no longer exist.

    And we all let it happen. Friends shouldn’t let friends and family vote for democrats.

    Oh — we all did it by allowing our schools, churches, Boy Scouts, and the public by-ways of our lives to be usurped by perverts.

    I’m still glad we have tried to stop the swamp and social evil by electing Trump – maybe we[re not dead yet?

  2. It all begins with lowering acceptable public standards we all need to live by in order to get along.
    The dems have chipped away at all of those standards until we’ve arrived at this dystopian nightmare where people like those mentioned are given credibility.
    Things are not likely to get better, the best we can hope for is slowing the decent to the extent possible.

  3. Those organizations all have two things in common (1) they despise normal white people and (2) they are pure evil through and through! Put them at the top of your list when the Civil War comes!

  4. “Defining Deviancy Down.”
    (DP Moynihan)

    But, how low can we go?

    Hypocrisy, pusillanimity, prevarication, perversion, posturing, preening, and preaching by these parasites while we stand in awe, mouths agape?

    Will we drown in this filth? Or do we wait until we can no longer stand but attempt to tread the water of the cesspool? Shutting our eyes and holding our breaths is only an expedient and will not preserve us – once the lid is closed there is no escape.

    izlamo delenda est …


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