The Form Definitely Doesn’t Match Its Function – IOTW Report

The Form Definitely Doesn’t Match Its Function

Perhaps the most confusing, weird, inappropriately dramatic commercial of all-time.

One would never guess what this ad was for, and the payoff is as empty as “Drink Your Ovaltine” was for Ralphie.

28 Comments on The Form Definitely Doesn’t Match Its Function

  1. What kind of commercial is that? It shows a white heterosexual couple? No wonder it had to be so off the wall. It would not have been acceptable otherwise.

    But at least I know that someone is born, grows up, and eats a fast food sandwich. I feel so much more enlightened now.

  2. Well, they can’t brag about their crappy, tasteless sandwiches, so they had to put SOMETHING in their commercials. Maybe he ate the sandwich in a third world country, and his whole life passed before him before he died from some kind of food-borne illness?.

  3. This is easy enough to understand. Some older, fat guy who’s head of advertising for French Subway got laid by some young, very hot account executive at the company who has the Subway account.

  4. The boy gets a girlfriend, who 3 years later cheats on him, then he gets so pissed off he moves to South America, illegally, to become a Subway employee.

    Anything to take people’s minds off of JARED, huh? LMAO!!!
    Oh. The ad sucked. It was pointless.

  5. Years, I mean YEARS ago I helped (as a 12yr old kid) a horse trader (Paul) transport a load of hay across NY state with his son, in the hot summer. We stopped for lunch, and the horse trader went into a sub shop and bought all of us a sub-marine sandwich. We had no say in the ingredients going into it. It was hot in the back of the truck wedged in with the hay and I hated mine and in the heat, got sick and threw it up into the hay. Never liked subs after that. This commercial did not change my mine or the memory.

  6. Looks like somebody in advertising was frustrated obsessed with making a movie and used his ad budget to get as close to the real thing as he could.

  7. Five will get you ten, that ad will never been seen in a Super Bowl telecast.
    Even Closed Captioning couldn’t make that ad understandable.

    It might, however, win a TV Enema Award.

  8. Willygoatgruff: “….and there ya have it…kiss a girl and get a sandwich….at least that’s what I got out of it….”

    I dunno Dude. When I was younger, I’d kiss a girl and get a 6″

  9. Nothing makes me want to forget about Jarred like a close up of a breast feeding baby and a preteen taking a pee.


    now we know why he got the spokesman gig

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