The Four Stages of Dem Meltdown – IOTW Report

The Four Stages of Dem Meltdown

Red State

Newly minted Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy decided to hand over all the footage the government had of that day to America’s most-watched cable news commentator, Tucker Carlson. Even before Carlson began airing what he and his producers discovered, the left went into meltdown mode and attempted to pre-empt the release of the footage with damage control of all shapes and sizes.

The attitude toward January 6 began to change once again.

First, they were indignant, then they were angry, then they were fearful, and now they’re desperate. Continues

15 Comments on The Four Stages of Dem Meltdown

  1. The only problem with this theory is that the GOP will regain the house, senate and executive branch in 2024. It will never happen. The dems know hos to rig an election, they did it with ZERO consequences, and they are not going to just stop doing it.
    They know their lives depend on holding on to power. They will never give it up.

  2. Even if the Repuglican’ts regain political control, they won’t do anything to the DildoCrats.
    Remember, we’re talking about the two wings on the same authoritarian bird.

  3. Fine. Tucker Carlson probably doesn’t have too much of that old man smell; but, butt, wouldn’t it have been MOAR effective had Speaker McCarthy entrusted the January 6 videos to 4Chan?

  4. I sent Schumer an email in 1993 and called him a traitor to all his brethren who hid in the basements of Warsaw in 1944! His gun control trash shows him to be our enemy now and was then!!!

  5. I hope republican congressmen and senators monitor the comments posted on this website. They would learn a lot about just how fed up we all are with their collaborationism.

    I wish I was confident that justice would be properly dealt to all the liars, slanders and thieves who seem to be the majority in D.C. but given that they are in the majority and have all kinds of power from the corruption the indulge in, I lack faith in them and the system in which they thrive.

  6. Ordinary people weren’t watching the J6 hearings because they knew it was partisan bullshit. Let’s face it – no one but committed leftists believe or trust the government (I’m including so-called Republican politicians as well as Democrats) and they don’t believe the major cable and network “news” stations. All Tucker Carlson did was show footage that proved the J6 hearings were partisan bullshit.

    Really, Capitol police showing the buffalo hat guy around? Supposedly dangerous protestors staying with the rope lines and taking pictures of various points of interest in the Capitol? People in their golden years walking around not afraid of the crowd around them? To those politicians trembling in their shoes because of an “insurrection” – you’re nothing but pussies.


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