The Great White Loser Goes To Kenya To Quell Uprising Amidst Election Backdrop – IOTW Report

The Great White Loser Goes To Kenya To Quell Uprising Amidst Election Backdrop

Working as an “observer” in Kenya, John Kerry delivered a message to the primitives-

“I have lost before, I had a lot of issues to raise about my loss in Ohio State, but I moved on.”

In other words, “calm down, savages.”

It was then that they ran an elephant tusk through his torso and created these effigies to ward off any other potential white men from meddling in their elections.



ht/ the big owe

27 Comments on The Great White Loser Goes To Kenya To Quell Uprising Amidst Election Backdrop

  1. Pretentious
    [pri-ten-shuh s]


    1.characterized by assumption of dignity or importance, especially when exaggerated or undeserved:a pretentious, self-important waiter.

    2.making an exaggerated outward show; ostentatious.

    3. a white doofus acting like he’s resolving a petty slave dispute.

  2. I just heard the douche say, “This is not an electronic vote…this is a paper ballot vote, and so it is determinable what happened…”

    …until your guy loses, Captain Diebold. Then it’s hanging chads and dimpled chads and car trunks full of ballots for as long as it takes.

    Don’t trust this useless gigolo, Kenya.

  3. This is the only country left that Obama has any influence.

    Obama stated, “As a friend of the Kenyan people, I urge you to work for a future defined not by fear and division, but by unity and hope.”
    The exact opposite of what he did in the US as president and as a former president.

    Regardless of his call for unity and peace, Kerry is there to oversee the ballot box stuffing for President Uhuru Kenyatta. There will be division, riots and blood in the streets, just as Obama had hoped to accomplish here.

  4. Hey, Lurch, Kenya is a great place to store your expensive boat to avoid taxes. You only have to worry about it being dismantled and sold for firewood for the chicken feather and feet community barbecue!

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