The Greatest Crime Wave in U.S. History – IOTW Report

The Greatest Crime Wave in U.S. History


In a banana republic, when people go against a criminal political order, demanding an investigation, protesting election chaos, and an apparent coup d’état, the government that stole the election takes a hard stand. But this was no banana republic.

In order to ‘legitimize’ their power base and conceal their complicity, the Democrats had to show the world how serious and ‘illicit’ the opposition was. They made them look as guilty as possible, imprisoning scores of people, many in solitary confinement without trial, erecting steel fencing around the Capitol building, and conducting investigations of sorts.

The Democrats, along with the FBI and numerous toadies, were complicit in one of the greatest series of crimes in American history. A veritable 4-year crime wave by a political party unwilling to abide by the law or a clean election. more

12 Comments on The Greatest Crime Wave in U.S. History

  1. Less a political party than a criminal syndicate. Lead by one of the most corrupt figures in US history. It’s a wonder Donald Trump was ever sworn into office. We need to make them regret they ever allowed it to happen.

  2. Guaranteed there are deep state entities plotting Trumps removal. Either by assassins bullets, poisoning or “accidental death,” such as Air Force One going down or the beast rolling over at 70 mph. I hope he can sleep with one eye open and ear to the ground. God bless him.

  3. Trump has never been perfect – but neither were our founding fathers. They were men dedicated to a cause and sacrificed to serve\protect\promote the cause of liberty and justice to\for all.

    May God protect him from the pervasive evil of our time and it’s seemingly persuasive subversion of so many truths that heretofore have been held to be self-evident.

    Will his common sense prevail? Will America last til next week? We know that hope lives in the White House – and that’s what we have bc wanted. Can we keep hope alive long enough to Make America Great Again?

  4. How did our media become so corrupt that they no longer delight in turning the spotlight on the corruption but rather hide and deflect attention from it?

    And it’s virtually universal! We’ve become a mirror image of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and Communist China! Except our media shut itself down!

    I’d write “For Shame!” but I know they haven’t any.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. It was interesting until They mentioned 0’bama being in charge….He’s not

    smart enough, nor does He have the energy for such an undertaking….Same Handlers

    as 0’bama? Yes, that is true….

    Has He9(0’bama) finished that Book yet?

  6. …the Mafia at least kills for a REASON and actually KNOWS who they kill. Pedo Joe and company simply killed massively and blindly to maintain power and fear, and did not care one whit they were actually more likely to kill their supporters than their enemies as long as it served their own selfish purposes.

    There’s a scene in “Braveheart” where the king orderes his archers to fire into a melee in which his troops are entagled with his targets. When his advisor points out he will hit his own men, the king simply says “Yes, but we’ll hit his too! We have reserves. Attack!”.

    …its like that with them. They kill for power, they kill for money, they kill for pleasure, but mostly they kill for themselves as no one else matters.

    Even Al Capone was never this indiscriminate.

    And Al didnt have access to police and military assets paid for by his victims, or the ability to take money from his victims paycheck before they even saw it.

    “Crime” is putting it too mildly.

    Every law was broken, both Constitutional and Biblical. Its really kind of impressive everything they got away with and are STILL getting away with, in plain sight and no hint of remorse.

    Crime? It is that and SO much more.

    It was and is a treason against the State and an affront to the Lord God Himself, and should be treated as such now and for all eternity.

  7. @Tim – FJB

    The TV news minions all use this one guy who allegedly dared to use some sort of electrical device on a cop (They never come right out and call it a taser. It could be a dildo for all I know), to smear and slander the hundreds of innocent J6 “paraders” and sightseers who got caught in the inquisition dragnet and thrown in the gulag archipelago for years without trial. These news hags—and they are, by and large women, for some reason—smirk and smile and lie through their whitened teeth about good people who dared to peacefully protest.

    These news women—and I include homo David Muir among them—would all be quite at home on The View, and a couple of them may end up there if they get fired when slander and libel victims start to fight back. None of these skanks ever mention government aggression, provocation and entrapment on J6, of which there is ample evidence.

    They are all contemptible cowards who will say whatever they’re told just to protect their cushy gigs. I would never give them a bump in their precious ratings by watching their shows. I will occasionally watch snippets of JD or PDT obliterating them on Youtube, but it is sad that responsible, intelligent adults have to give them the time of day in hopes of breaking through the bullshit.


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