The “Gun In Every Room” Policy – IOTW Report

The “Gun In Every Room” Policy

gun policy

Angry White Dude takes security seriously. I decided long ago I would not be a victim. If I am to be a victim, I will not be an unarmed victim. Violent criminals now kill randomly and without emotion or mercy. The new breed of younger criminals even astonishes lifers in prison who cannot believe how merciless and violent these young criminals are.

Watch the following videos and tell me which you’d rather be:

14 Comments on The “Gun In Every Room” Policy

  1. MadJack, A seasoned 1911 fan as I remember. Probably the wrong home to break into.
    They’ve been doing smash and grabs in my neck of the woods. Kick open the door around 10:00 PM and grab shit as fast as you can, then back out the front door. A weapon stashed 5 feet away will do you no good. And yes they are armed. I’ll shootem in the face. The local Sheriffs departments been staking shit out for a year to no avail. But then again who else drives green Crown Vics but cops.

  2. Doors locked, security system. We have a gun and or rifle/shotgun in every room. Outside always a gun on the hip mainly because an idiot neighbor has 2 completely untrained out of control massive Rottweilers. She has minded them better since she has seen us with holsters. Also the dogs are getting extremely fat as in 30+ pounds overweight.
    I’ve been wondering if a Glock-On-A Rope will work for the shower just in case Norman Bates is still around.

    We also have regular ‘stranger in the house’ drills. Not taking any chances with some the ferals on the loose.

  3. lol…and you wonder why i live in ‘flyover’ country….no beaners, no niggas, no meth heads… .45-70, two shot guns, 3 pistols….in my pick-up…with keys in the ignition….and i sleep well

  4. I carry a .45 on my hip when I’m at home. Always have. I also have two
    Malinois (Belgian Shepherd Dog) guard dogs. They patrol the grounds
    Between the first perimeter fence and the second fence.
    When I lived in Israel I always carried an Uzi. Everywhere.

  5. Shotgun over the door, 2 autos high on shelves you need to be 6′ to reach and a .38 stuck to the wall by the bed on a magnet, oh, the dogs, they bark at an owl hoot. If I have my clothes on, a .38 gun in my pocket full of fun.

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