The Idiocy of Never-Trumpism – IOTW Report

The Idiocy of Never-Trumpism

Biden repeats a story written by the editor of The Atlantic that had “anonymous sources.”

You loathe Trump, but you will sit out on the binary choice of Trump/Biden because DeSantis lost?

Who is in a cult?

If DeSantis defeated Trump in the primary I would vote for DeSantis.

30 Comments on The Idiocy of Never-Trumpism

  1. Jeb – “When an illegal rapes a 3 year old ITS AN ACT OF LOVE!” !??!@#$* is clearly an idiot. – But, but “He has a PBK Key!”
    Most of the rest I think, are morons.
    Eg: left winger, “Bush Republican”, Ziegler.

    GWB may hate conservatives; but he is a smart guy! IQ at least 115.

  2. But tRump is so much better just ask his bestest bud Jeffrey Epstein, oh thats right he had him killed cause he was worried he would be outted. Raping 13 yr oles, 26 women claims of sexual assault make him so much better.

  3. Oh, I forgot about that bigly payout thats wanted. I see $500 million + as his judgment &…..
    all businesses in the Most Beautiful Most Wonderful Most Gorgeous State of New York permanently curtailed. Now lets appeal this, oh my, 500 million bond will have to be put up or shut the f-up dweb one.

  4. Oh come on man, please give the guy a break! Stormy Daniel case still cuming up & dats a criminal case of… you guessed it’s fraud again. Only it’s criminal fraud dis time, with READ MY LIPS a 1st hand witnesses to the fact, Jack!
    What was that lawyers name again, Michael Cohen? Who made the payment to Stormy on behalf of …you guessed it . Elected to what? Sure, anything you say.

  5. ^^^^^^ The best foreign, domestic economic policies by any president. And sooner or later that even effects Libtards in a positive fashion. I’ve been in biz for over 35 years. I’ve seen them all.

  6. I might add, there’s one person responsible for China being on the ropes economically. And that person is DJT. Brilliant work. Nobody else could have executed that. We realized a jump in our manufacturing business within a year of those policies going into place. Having a hard ass business man as your President has it’s advantages.

  7. Better than your self-imposed exile in Mommy’s basement, scumsucker.
    Even some libtard politicians are rallying behind Trump.
    Are you just butthurt because you’ll never have what it take to be anything but a leech on society?
    Too bad about your brain damage.

  8. This low life scum bag posted 9 pro abortion messages on Twitter since 2 Navy Seals died in the middle east and yet NEVER even acknowledged their sacrifice.
    Spare me you commies phony tears asshole.

  9. Idiocy is part of the human condition, which is why there are wars that pop up seemingly out of nowhere – when idiots are in charge of the non-waring country. Case in point: Biden/Obama.

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