The Idiocy of Pronouns in a Nutshell – Emphasis on Nut – IOTW Report

The Idiocy of Pronouns in a Nutshell – Emphasis on Nut

Last year, Demi Lovato came out as non-binary and adopted the pronouns they/them. The “artist” has now admitted that she will once more use she/her pronouns, however she will also keep using they/them.

Lovato, who also identifies as LGBTQ and pansexual, claimed in an interview that lately she has “been feeling more feminine.” When it comes to her gender, sexuality, music, and creativity, Lovato remarked, “I’m such a fluid person.”

The singer had previously subtly updated her Instagram bio earlier this year to incorporate both they/them and she/her pronouns.

“When I had to choose between going into a restroom that read “women” or “men,” especially last year, I felt as though my energy was balanced between the two. As a result, I didn’t feel as though there was a bathroom for me since I didn’t really feel like a lady, or feel like a guy.”

Oh shut up, you self-absorbed narcissist.

We’re supposed to “keep up” with this “fluidity,” lest we accidentally call you by “offensive” pronouns?

What is it you say? Just stand corrected and then “respect your choice” at any given time?

You know what your pronouns are?

“Insufferable bitch that grows me weary with your self-indulgent horseshit that I care little about.”

And that goes for the rest of you pronoun Nazis.

Go fuck THEYself.

24 Comments on The Idiocy of Pronouns in a Nutshell – Emphasis on Nut

  1. Pronouns??
    How about dumb-shit-fuck-face??

    If you need a new pronoun…..You are an insecure, obnoxious, ungrateful, liberal ASSHOLE.

    If you think you have to be something other than the natural, God given male or female….You obviously belong to Lucifer.

  2. In 1985, the New Twilight Zone had an episode called “Wordplay.” The plot was the same as what is going on now. Robert Klein had to deal with everybody having a new vocabulary, but while you could adjust if it was consistent, the listener is at the mercy of the woke person can change their vocabulary on a whim.

  3. The problem is that they demand that you accede to their demands, while refusing to consider what others want.
    Frankly most nonheterosexuals are pretty quiet about it. But boy are the loud ones loud and in your face about it.

  4. The pictures on the bathrooms used to be a dead giveaway and even toddlers could figure it out. Now we have an insane asylum of self absorbed lunatics with ridiculous demands and I’ll be damned if they are going to get me to go along with their BS.

  5. The pronoun lunatics insist they have the right to use the pronouns of their choice, but that *I* don’t have the right to use the pronouns of *MY* choice when addressing them. More cases of supracranial coitosis.

  6. Years ago I started calling it “Dogmatic Subjectivism.”

    Progressivism drags you into the realm of the Subjective and then binds you to its arbitrary constructs. One is free to think whatsoever he wants, as long as he does not think Progressive ideas to be wrong on any point.

  7. My pronouns are “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” and “Ragnar, Destroyer of Worlds”, and if you don’t use them when talking to me, and I will give you big time shit for it.

    That way, assholes who are into pronouns will not talk to me, and normal people will just use “he/him” because they’re not fucktarded.

  8. Those who put their “pronouns” in their social media profiles or email signature are mentally ill. Worse they try to force you to address them as such. Not happening with me. I’ll call things as I see them.

  9. Preach it Fur. The chattering class of Academia and Entertainment embrace this bullshit because they have the time to do so.

    They produce nothing but mind melting drivel, and advance the cause of America not a single iota.

    In short, their endemic narcissism is a smoke screen for their collective vacuous vapidity.

    I detest them all..

    My pronouns are: Fuck your Pronouns

  10. The pronoun thing seems to be all about people talking ‘about’ someone rather than talking ‘to’ someone. In individual social intercourse with a person pronouns wouldn’t be used in this way. You would be the pronoun… as in ‘You look lovely today, your hair is a beautiful tint of green’. Speaking about the person to others one might say, ‘they’ve obviously let themselves go, they’re at least fifty pounds heavier and I’ve puked up stuff that matches their hair color.

    The pronoun concern seems to focus on being discussed rather than speaking with a person. It must be very important to them to be being discussed.

  11. I’ve seen pics of this Lovato thing and she eats more than her share of the world’s food supply.

    So, imo, she has lost her right to claim the singular pronouns, he/she/it/me/mine, and must make due with the appropriate ones: them/those/us/etc.

    “demi” should be “doubli”; a self-important, fatass narcissist, unworthy of any attention.


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