The Issue of Banning on iOTWreport – IOTW Report

The Issue of Banning on iOTWreport

James Hines. Who remembers that name? He was the first and only person to ever be banned from And the only reason he was banned is because he simply became a repetitive moron who said the same exact things over and over on random threads. His sole intent was to make things as miserable as possible for everyone on the site. His banning came 2 years after he began posting. So, you see, banning is not my goal.

Recently, however, I’ve become thin on patience.

I don’t like to hear our readers talking about how they’ve been banned from Red State and The Right Scoop for having the audacity to believe that Hillary Clinton must be blocked from the white house at all costs, yet, I’m expected to tolerate readers who use our forum to denigrate the last man standing that can stop Hillary.

Why should I tolerate such an uneven playing field?

We’ve had a spate of people who believe that as long as they say “I’m going to vote for Trump” they’ll have a free pass to call Trump an assclown and his supporters lofo morons.

They also seem to have something else in common. They support Cruz, and they have demands.

Cruz and NeverTrump will get to run ads denigrating Trump but there shall be no repercussions against Cruz. That is paramount. Cruz must emerge unscathed. And there shall be no talk that any actions on the part of NeverTrump and Cruz pacs will have any effect on the outcome of Clinton versus Trump.

We’re to trust them when they say their time, effort and money is a fruitless endeavor, and when they continue doing what they’re doing, and then some, we have to shut up about it, and protect Ted. Always be protecting Ted.

Why should I not ban these people?

They use our platform to propagandize against Trump, yet shut their platforms off to a very reasonable stance – Hillary must be stopped at all costs.  That this philosophy is one that shall be stifled and snuffed out is stunning.

So, folks, to sum up. I’m not going to afford anyone a platform where even the caboose of the Trump train, anti-Hillary voters, are called assclowns.

No, we are not requiring “an echo chamber” as one banned reader put it. Voicing the opinion that Trump is not one’s ideal candidate, but he must be elected at all costs, is a perfectly acceptable opinion.

Saying, “I hate Trump. He’s a dope. I don’t trust him, but what other choice do we have?,” is perfectly fine.

These are not fine:

“Let me tell you, only lofo assclowns can vote for this flip-flopping liberal. He is worse than Hillary. He’s going to destroy the conservative movement. Anyone fooled by this jerk is a jerk. But I’m voting for him!!”

“Lay off Cruz, go after the real enemy, Hillary. And while you’re going after Hillary, I’ll be over here going after Trump.”

You see, these opinions won’t cut it. We’re not stupid. They will get you banned.

Between now and election day I will not be tolerating electioneering for Ted Cruz, ratf*cking of Trump, and aiding and abetting of Hillary Clinton.

Why should I be required to aid and abet Hillary Clinton? I have MY PRINCIPLES.

*Readers should note that if any bans do happen, it will probably be a process that is way too patient for some readers.

I’m a reasonable person, and I do not want to foster an atmosphere where readers are on eggshells. That is not me. It takes a lot to be banned. I’m just putting this up so when you see signals that I am becoming fatigued with your repetitiveness, if you enjoy being here, you should consider your point made and begin tempering your stance. That’s all.




144 Comments on The Issue of Banning on iOTWreport

  1. Speaking for myself, I was tired of iOTW, and those of us with similar points of view being harassed by those who are masquerading as Trump voters only to take every opportunity to undermine him. I don’t see any reason that iOTW is required to provide a forum for these enema’s, I mean enemies.

  2. Yes. One of the great pains was banning one particular reader. But it was Abigail Adams who said something in a comment to the effect of, “this reader thinks you’re playing around like a cat with a mouse. But the stakes are much higher than this silliness,” that most resonated.
    She’s right.
    I warned and warned and warned, but I wasn’t taken seriously.
    This is WAR.
    And Trump must win this.
    Any stupid anti-Trump utterings that get into the ether will not be springboarded from this platform.

  3. The one unconscionable offense was when I tried to impart how much grief these unyielding assaults of pro-Trump articles were causing me, just with the business of operations, this person did not give a shit.
    It was more important to just keep poking and poking and poking no matter how innocuous the pro-Trump thread was, all the while saying that they were voting for Trump.
    So why cause me the grief if the lever is going to be pulled for Trump?
    We’re they trying to offset their vote by convincing others NOT to vote for Trump.
    Or were they simply lying?

    All in all.
    It just wasn’t worth it any longer.

  4. And it is a war, a war we cannot lose! The stakes are higher that they have been for generations and I can’t imagine what my children and grandchildren will face if we don’t stop giving away our freedom and our country! This is national suicide to keep this up.

  5. Mark Levin has run me off from his show. I used to download it and listen to it every day on the train on the way to work. I just couldn’t take it any more. God almighty, enough already it’s like he has tourettes or something.

    I was OK w/either Cruz or Trump – what they have done is to put me off Cruz

  6. Anyone can write anything. And I highly doubt anyone is going to be banned unless that’s what they want to have happen.
    I had a dog that would growl for half an hour before he would nip at you.
    If you got nipped it was because you’re an idiot.

    I’m not going to run around biting people.
    There will be a growling session.
    I’m not here to run people away.
    But I’m not here to run a platform for anti-Trump agitprop either.
    Someone will try it.
    The readers will engage and try and convince them of the error in their thinking.
    Eventually, after repetitive attempts to propagandize with the same crapola we’ve heard 1000 times, they will call us lofo morons and then they will vanish.

  7. Don’t think for a second that Cruz’s bizarre behavior is going unnoticed in my circle here in Texas. Everyone of them started out when Cruz announced, supporting him. And all of them were here for years when Perry was gov and they like Rick.

    I know it’s anecdotal but it looks like Cruz’s senate seat is Perry’s for the taking.

    There’s a local station in Lubbock whose morning guy is an asshole named Chad Hasty. Ostensivebly a Republican. A day doesn’t go by without him featuring some way to bash Trump. A #neverTrump pol, some GOPer with his panties on fire, a bullshit polling question e.g.(I swear it’s true) who should the GOP choose to replace Trump when he drops out in Sept, a poll showing Trump down. I write the asshole and ask WhyTF he’s sowing this discontent and natch, I’m ignored. It’s sickening.

  8. My dad always said to get rid of a headache, drop a hammer on your foot.

    In my family we have had to agree not to discuss politics, It doesn’t work, my sons and husband won’t shut up. You’re doing what you need to do and I applaud you, BFH. Negativity is poison.

  9. I was an apologist for Cruz for much longer than people who were more pro-Cruz than I was.
    I hate the sight of the guy.
    He shape shifts before my eyes and becomes a creepy serpent, a charlatan using the lord’s name in vain, happy and content to have people believe that God has a vested interest in seeing him win the election over all others. (Glenn Beck, you are an asshole.)
    That’s all it takes to win an election? Imply that God is rooting for you and you alone?
    That is not Christian. That is anti-Christian.
    It is also not constitutional to foster dominionism. Ted says he’s not a dominionist. But his father is, and his father delivers sermons where he talks about how his son’s victory would be a victory for dominionism.

    I would also expect a Christian to forgive Trump for the nastiness of a primary. He didn’t, actually saying that he couldn’t endorse the only man that could stop a Hillary from being thrust upon this nation because he insulted his wife.

    Has he read about the selfless sacrifices that were documented in the Bible, sacrifices for the greater good?
    He obviously doesn’t think Hillary is all that bad.
    If he does, and he did what he did, he is a serpent.

  10. I began the primary appreciating that Trump would speak truth to power, but regarding him as not sophisticated enough in tactics and not eloquent enough to make the case for conservatism. Now my position is completely changed. I think he’s uniquely qualified for this moment in time. I think his policy intentions are some of the best I’ve ever seen, and I think he knows how to go to war with the evil cabal who call themselves Progressives. This is a guy very close to Arpaio, Jerome Corsi, and others who have uncovered some of the most scandalous truths about Obungo. I expect a President Trump to do things unheard of from past administrators to break up that cabal. May God protect him.

  11. It’s your bat and ball here BFH. We just get to play. I don’t know how o found this site, but the comments are the best part. I skip the article half the time just to go to the comments. When we’re all in Bill Ayres reeducation camp, I’ll let you have the top bunk.

  12. “I was an apologist for Cruz for much longer than people who were more pro-Cruz than I was.”

    LOL, I think it’s fair to say you had some of us that were early on the Trump Train a little worried. Nobody can say you didn’t give the guy a fair shot. But we are way past that now and shits getting real. There’s to much at stake and I can’t ever remember a bunch of bitter clingers trying to pull the nuclear option in any previous election cycle. Weird stuff going on.

  13. I understand the desire to avoid banning. I ran a very small scale message board earlier this century, and figured if people wanted to say whatever, go for it, but expect retaliatory responses. Only when personal attacks became so virulent did I finally succumb to readers’ demands to send the offenders packing.

    Fur, kudos. I feel you’re making the better decision in what is definitely a cause, a position, a war.

    And for “ass clown” boy, as told in another thread, fuck off.

  14. BFH, good for you. I’m glad to finally see this.
    I salute you for being incredibly patient with X and Y and Z for a long time.

    This is a war. If we lose, if HC comes to power, the former USA will be unrecognizable by 2020. This election is our last chance.

  15. It’s your bat and ball here BFH. We just get to play.>>

    That’s why this is difficult for me.
    I never wanted the dynamic where people felt it was my bat and ball.

    It’s ironic that the dynamic was not shifted by progressive trolls.
    It was shifted by our own on the right.
    As BB said, “weird stuff going on.”

  16. Amen! I also was a Cruz supporter but lost it whenhe became an ass. I’m still not a Trump fanatic but this is an ABC election – Anybody But Clinton. Drink a fifth of Jack Daniels, put a clothes pin on your nose and vote Trump. In the mean time STFU about Trump and go after the bitch who WILL destroy the US.

  17. The Never Trumpers are a bore and a wasted posting once they become repetitive in their comments. Banning here seems appropriate so they can go post among fellow travelers in their own echo chamber. Go haunt Ben Shapiro or Charlie Sykes, they’ll agree with your opinion Never Trumpers.

  18. Your site; your rules. That’s my feeling on it.

    Today I locked out one commenter at Patriot Retort who decided to go personal on me. He actually thought it was acceptable to accuse me of supporting Trump because I suffer from Lupus, therefore am not physically well enough to make a good decision. Because if I weren’t sick, I would have stuck by my principles and remained sullen and angry that my only choice against Hillary is that unprincipled “Captain Comb Over” (his words).

    That was enough for me.

    These guys have to piss and moan and make sure we all know just what a sacrifice they’re making. It’s as if they want to dispirit everyone else.

    But don’t worry! They’re not helping Hillary!

  19. I’m all down with Hillary must be defeated. Hillary must be defeated; whatever issue any person may have about Trump Hillary has been doing it longer and more extreme.

    I honestly believe the Republic will not survive 4 or more years of Hillary.

  20. In the off chance that someone might be dissuaded from voting for Trump, your stated policy is quite sensible, BFH. That I doubt that there are very many who don’t know positively who they’ll be voting for in November does nothing to invalidate your decision.

    I will cast my vote for Trump. I made my mind up about that quite firmly when he won the nomination. I will keep my ideas about his individual suitability to myself except to say that I’ve got my doubts about that. But I have no doubts at all that he is far more suitable than Death-eyes. Or, to put it more accurately, he is far less unsuitable than she.

    So, ban when you deem it necessary. You may curl your lip a little at me from time to time, but I doubt I’ll ever give you reason to growl! (-:

  21. I never wanted the dynamic where people felt it was my bat and ball.>>
    Let me expand upon that because it is so important to me.

    Look around this site.
    We have unmoderated reader submissions in the Bullpen.
    We encourage people to write and send in rants, and we post personal anecdotes.
    We encourage people to expose their musical tastes upon the rest of us with the soothiness posts.
    We have no registration for comments.
    We routinely poach from the comments section to create imagery and put their names on it, all because we’re dedicated to the concept that this is a site where you can make a difference if you choose to do it.

    We never want this to be “we’re up on stage and you’re in the audience, and just remember that.”

    Unfortunately, because of the way this election has gone, that dynamic has been disrupted, and by our own.
    We have to draw the line at a reader’s belief that they will be able to use this platform to aid Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    It’s a sorry ass position these nitwits have adopted.

  22. Well, that was the shortest stint in the Patriot Retort doghouse ever! The guy who hit below the belt got hammered by others in the comments and submitted an apology. Because I don’t like barring people anymore than you do, Fur, I lifted the roadblock on him. It takes a great deal of honor to admit you were wrong. My hat’s off to him.

    Post the thread link – bfh

  23. Drink a fifth of Jack Daniels, put a clothes pin on your nose and vote Trump. In the mean time STFU about Trump and go after the bitch who WILL destroy the US.>>>

    And you’re as welcomed here as a full-throated Trump supporter.
    If the belief that we are resolute in defeating Hillary makes this place “an echo chamber”
    than this is a fucking echo chamber. And to all others, go back to your illogical retardo chamber, I say.

  24. I see this as more than a war. I see this as a battle of good over evil. Will we as America once again embrace God or continue to turn our backs on him. Our very souls are at stake.

  25. What? I just don’t get it … LOOK!
    There’s a red-tailed squirrel!

    Anyhowze … gettin back to the subject for hand … I … uhh, shit … what was I gonna rite?

    Can I has some ice cream?

  26. If you Cruz, you lose.
    I voted for Cruz in the primary. We vote 3rd so it was a long way to Tipperary.
    The ensuing campaigning done by Cruz made me realize my mistake.
    Not sure if I would have voted for Trump if Cruz’ flaw came to light before my vote.
    What I do know, I’m gonna dance with the candidate my fellow country men brought.

  27. Many people do not understand that this is the most important election of our lifetime. If Hillary wins, that is all she wrote. Trump is a good guy and wants to do right. I have not heard a thing from him that is not solid conservative and he seems honest and forthright. I could say many bad things about Cruz, but we need a positive approach to this and everyone needs to get behind Trump. It is just like the shield wall of old times. You get behind one guy and push. The one that pushes the most wins.

  28. St. Hat, you have been near INTOLERABLY tolerant and patient with the asshat Trump bashers. That’s why I call you ST. HAT.

    What those Trump bashers are trying to do is shut down 1 A on websites. I for one, have nearly split a number of times, and I definitely did not comment many times because I knew I’d hit a bunch of bullcrap from the cruzer and/or helliar first movement here. I just got tired of it, and would leave for days at a time, or just post on other themed threads.

    Ban away St. Hat.

  29. As I said before on this, my favorite site, I am a Texan. I knew what Teddy is and have NEVER voted for him. When I read the agenda he and his wife have, i.e., replicating the EU here, HELL NO!!
    In these old eyes, Donald Trump has what it takes to turn our beloved nation around. Multitudes share this viewpoint with me, and I hope he tromps the trollop dyke into the turf and snaps her neck. Cankles and Slick deserve no less. And Bad_Brad, I have given you thumbs up on nearly every comment. Keep her going!

  30. While I enjoy this site, I am generally just a lurker – I’ll read the articles posted and t/u comments I agree with or enjoy. But I’ll step out of my shell to make note of something. The games we see played by many of the Trump Bashers are eerily reminiscent of some of the same stunts pulled in the last election with Ron Paul. How the primaries seemed stacked against him to the dirty games threatened at the convention. I wouldn’t have made the connection if not for the stupid FB memories thing. It showed a rant I posted then and it could be used today – just switch Paul for Cruz. I’m wondering how many Cruz fanatics were paulbots just a few years ago.

  31. So, what you’re saying: If you’re a repetitive moron, you’ll be banned for being a repetitive moron, or just because you’re a repetitive moron. Okay, I get it. Now, I’m wondering, what if you’re just a moron and keep repeating things like a repetitive moron, but you don’t realize that you’re a repetitive moron because you’re actually just a moron? What happens then? Please help. I don’t want to have to post this on every story like some repetitive moron just to get an answer. (There’s a Zen proverb in all of this, or something.)

  32. MyOwnPrivateServer August 30, 2016 at 3:10 pm

    Let the banning begin. I can’t get the Cruz dick face out of my head.

    It’s Cruz’s whinny nasally voice that galls me. I don’t recall ever being banned any where on the internet. I know I’ve said enough things to get banned – but maybe the moderator agreed with me. 🙂

  33. While, I can empathize, maybe even sympathize with BFH.. I hope we (IOTW) don’t become like Gawker or any other number of douche bag liberal sites who are so closed minded to a different opinion. They “grey out” people who they don’t agree with or haven’t promoted in their ranks. We (IOTW) are so much better than that.
    I don’t want to see us to lower ourselves to their standards. We’re better than that.. right?!?!

  34. I don’t necessarily like the idea of banning on a site dedicated to embracing free expression of thoughts……however…..

    I see your point. Getting banned for saying something counter to the topic or in opposition is one thing……being warned repeatedly about asinine comments that contribute nothing to the topic but are designed only to anger and demean are another thing entirely….

  35. How do I gray out Ricky’s comment?
    Anyone? lol

    The point is, how many times do we have to endure the same thing over and over again?

    Wasn’t this formula old by now, all coming from the same 3 or 4 people on a site with thousands of readers?

    – We post a pro-Trump, good news Trump story.
    – Cue the arrival of the usual suspects.
    “You think there is a ray of hope? NOT!”
    >>> Why does it sound like you’re happy that Hillary is going to win?”
    “Who me? I’m voting for Trump.”
    >>> Then why do you get annoyed with pro-Trump articles?
    “Because he’s gonna lose, dude, unless he gets on message.”
    >>> “But this article is about him getting on message.”
    “You think there’s a ray of hope? NOT!”
    >>>”Why does it sound like you’re happy that Trump will lose?”
    “Who me? I’m voting for Trump.”
    >>> “Well that’s good, because NeverTrump are a bunch of cocksucking assholes.”
    “Who are you calling a cocksucking asshole?”

    There is no time for this.
    They are time-wasting phonies whose role was that of agitator.
    There was no value in what they were doing any longer.
    It was said, and rehashed, and was boring and was fracturing the site and they liked that.
    Differing opinions are welcomed… if they are interesting.
    These were total self-absorbed bores…

  36. I was a Cruz fan myself, but couldn’t handle it when he hooked up with the mental defective Glenn Beck. That was totally unacceptable.

    Besides, Trump gives it to the media with both barrels…how can you NOT appreciate what a HUGE deal that is? Especially after years of watching the GOP go belly-up every time a ‘journalist’ or Democrat says ‘boo’?

  37. Same here Jethro. I come home from work and see I have a lot of catching up to do!

    I also support the decision to get rid of these folks if they keep pushing it. I’ve had a few posts of my own deleted at a few of these NT sites shortly after Trump won the nomination. I’m not a troll, I wanted to make the case that with the SCOTUS on the line for the next 25-30 years, Hillary had to be stopped at all costs.

    Then anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours depending on the site, my post is gone. Now I can see if I was posting on Huffpoop or Politico, I could see why they would delete the posts. But on supposedly Conservative blogs and websites? What freaking lunacy is that? Pointing out Hillary’s and the lefts biggest prize for the taking (SCOTUS) if she wins and the post is deleted???? I don’t know if I was banned or not, I won’t go back to those sites again.

    Yeah so for these so called Conservatives who aide and abet Hillary? Fuck em.

  38. The only thing I have to contribute to this discussion is my upmost gratitude to BFH for FINALLY getting rid of that miserable sob JohnS.

    I know he was banned for his nevertrump-ing, but I’ve despised that little shitpickle ever since he said that a female being ‘circumcised’ was fair and the equalization of ‘vile’ male circumcision. When I told him he was dead wrong and tried to explain that males get it done not just bc of religious, but bc of medical reasons, he called me a brainless catholic. (Why do people hate catholics??? I’m not one btw.) Apparently he WAS catholic though, allegedly.

  39. Big Fuzzy, I believe you should ban all of your readers!

    Note to all former iotwReport readers who have been banned: You’re welcome at AWD. Just as long as you don’t piss off the Big Sexy. I’ll konk you over the head with the ban hammer faster than Charles Johnson!



    You know I’m 💩in’ ya, right? 😜

  41. “How do I gray out Ricky’s comment?

    It involves a marker and your screen for the time the post is on it, then a rag and a bottle of isopropyl when you scroll.

    Why a marker? All the blonde secretaries have bought all the White Out.

    Pro tip – don’t confuse the isopropyl with your tequila. Just trust me on this point. That’s all I’ll say on that.

  42. I’ve been “banning” several commenters for some time now because they would never answer direct questions and would just repeat the same carp over and over.

    I just skipped over the comments and soldiered on…

    God bless Fur and iotw…….

    Love this site……

  43. I lurked here for a few years before posting. (Actually, I was hanging out at AWD ;)) I got sick of reading the repetitive crap from both of those assholes. They had the attitude that they were educating us and that we should be grateful for it, but whenever they were challenged, they went into “repeat” mode, and wouldn’t stray from it. He’ll, I’m glad they’re gone, and I love differing opinions, because it means I get to have a good debate. But there is no debate when idiots just keep repeating the same old ideological stupidity.

  44. Better than a ban – Any way you can re-direct them to The Right Scoop?

    They would to fit like a glove over there and never get an argument. Well, except on the bs that they’ll vote Trump.

  45. So what took you so long?
    Although I stopped reading the tripe posted by JohnS a long time ago, I could see he was still getting on others nerves.

    Sometimes you need to more than just stop feeding trolls. Excellent move!

  46. @ The Rat Fink

    “Full Cleveland”

    I tried looking that up.

    I found this: It is an outfit for men which has “polyester leisure suit plus white patent leather belt and shoes”

    I’m at a loss at how I went there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  47. good move. You’ve been more than patient. The progressive nature of the banning process has been obvious to readers, at least those whith a wit of common sense. Anyone who is banned really has to work at it.

    BFH – What stops a banned person from coming back with new ID? ISP address?

  48. @Rightwinger – SCOTUS. You are absolutely right, in my opinion. There is nothing bigger. The SCOTUS rulings have an impact measuered in generations. Simple example, Same Sex Marriage. SCOTUS is the last resort for saving the Constitution.

  49. How about we have some kind of voting system on whether or not to ban. Like this:
    When BFH is getting irritated, he sends out a special posting, like this one, that only regulars will understand.
    He will add two comments: BAN? or MERCY?
    The regulars will know what to do.

  50. Brad, you are sick.

    Very, very sick.

    “Full-on Brazlian” actually sounds like an event in Rio a couple of weeks ago.

    Don’t tell anyone, but my chemotherapy treatments in 2000 gave me a PERMANENT Brazilian.

  51. One of the many things this election has taught us is that there’s so much we think we know that we don’t know.

    Trey Gowdy is on our side. He’ll get to the truth of Benghazi

    Paul Ryan is committed to small government and a balanced budget. He’ll insist on the discipline of a budget and will never pass a continuing resolution.

    Comey is a principled man of the law who can’t be bought. Just wait till he finishes Hillary’s email investigation.

    Cruz loves the Constitution and will always put its protection first.

    Trump has a 12% chance of winning the Republican nomination (Nate Silver, Jan 2016).

    The media really is worse than you ever imagined.

  52. No one has a problem if you point out that ‘Trump should have done this- that-‘ or ‘not done this -that’.

    The problem is when you say you will vote for Trump and in the next sentence call people blind assholes who can’t see what Trump is doing to kill America *slits wrists*!!!!

    That’s not a discussion, children. That’s a call for medical attention.
    Know the difference.
    Thank you.

  53. I don’t like Trump’s hairstyle. Never have, never will. There – I said it, and I will probably be banned.

    But I don’t like Hillary’s hairstyle either. Or her clothes. Or the fact that she is a bald face liar. Of that she is a crook who spent her life in pubic office yet made over $100 million dollars. Or her policies. Or the fact that she would have Chelsea sacrificed to Morlach if that would ensure her election as President. Or the fact that she is really a zombie.

    So I am starting a new movement which will guarantee a banishment: #nevertrumphairstyleunlessthealternativeishillaryclintonoranyotherdemocrat. See you after the election.

  54. LOL, looks like I’m not the only one who experienced the LGF ban hammer.
    @Kat, I was wondering the same thing, Beck went nutz like CJ, did they purple drank from the same fountain or something?

    My congratulations to Mr. Hat for drawing out so many lurkers.
    You done good boy.

  55. I tried so hard to teach Jim Hines the difference between to, two. too: there, their, they’re, and me and my. But I gave up. He should not have been banned. BFH should invite him back just to see if the idiot learned anything.

  56. My question is how do you ban someone all they have to do is change their name and
    IP address.>>>

    Were you here when we had problems with 2 leftist trolls, both who laughed and howled and continued to taunt, and bragged that they had multiple IPs and incognito ways of getting on the internet, ways that would cloak them forever?
    Were you here the night I told the guy I knew who he was and he just laughed, laughed laughed… until I started revealing a picture of him sitting on his couch with his family, one piece at a time, and he emailed me and begged me not to “do anything to him”? He was a music teacher and his wife was actually a famous cellist.
    That was fun.

    Were you here when I posted the picture of the house the other lefty troll lived in and he actually told me in an email he’d do anything, including some “weird offers” if he had to, if I didn’t contact the school he worked at and tell them he was harassing a site while on school servers?
    He begged me, sent me pictures of his wife and kids so that I would have mercy.

    That was fun too.

    Some things are just absolutely too much fun.
    I have a guy that is amazing. I don’t ask questions. He simply delivers the names I need.
    He’s 2 for 2.
    Who wants to be number 3?

  57. I didn’t mean “its your bat and ball” in a bad way BFH. I just meant don’t feel you owe me an explanation. You’ve given us thousands of hours of entertainment and serious thought, practically for FREE. If anything, we owe you!

  58. Oh wait. Hines. I forgot Hines. He was another who said he’d never be found.
    I posted a picture of the hotel he worked at. He was an electrician.

    I sent him an email of his wife’s email address that I found on a yahoo site about quilting bees.

    Hines disappeared after that.
    Funny. He said he didn’t work at that hotel, but he suddenly disappeared.

    People are not as masked as they think they are, especially when they leave tons of comments all over the internet.
    They get banned because they write so much.
    When they write a lot they can be found because they leave digital trails and clues that they never think of.

    The guy in Pennsylvania, with the house, he wasn’t found with an IP address.
    He kept using a phrase that was weird in his trolling comments here.
    I never quite heard the phrase before.
    I tracked the phrase and found a comment with a similar phrase on a website that wasn’t political.
    We were able to get that IP. It was from a school library. I knew the phrase he used was one used by Armenians.
    We looked at a list of employees with Armenian names. We found one. He was in charge of the school library.
    A reader on this site happened to live in the same town.
    He took a picture of the house and I posted it online.

    That was fun, I have to admit.

    Update: I don’t mean this to come off like bragging or a challenge, or that we’re The Bourne Identity. I’m just proud that we did set out 3 times to find out who a major problem was and we found all three.

    Of course we do not want trolls, and of course someone can successfully troll us. But I will definitely use every resource to find you. I’m a real jackass in that respect.

  59. Bat and ball>>>

    No, no. Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t take it as a negative, and I wasn’t annoyed or anything. I just get embarrassed by that. I don’t feel that way. That’s all.
    And it does cause me some sleepless nights having to make some decisions about the site, including readers that are giving me a headache.
    Normally I chalk it up to the cost of doing business.
    But this is different.
    We have to get Trump across the finish line and every little bit matters, including ending the critiques of Trump. The time for that is over. Elect him and ask questions later. The altenative is Hillary!!!!

  60. Like any other website, the owner(s) of IOTWR has a perfect right to refuse service to anyone they choose.

    Period. Paragraph. Return. Full Stop.

    My only regret is that political correctness has restrained the management from dealing with these people before now.

    Well said. Carry on.

  61. You see… now I’m being mocked. (Although I love Banacek.)

    I guess I could have just answered the question about how to handle trolls better, humbler.
    But I really am proud that we were able to track our biggest problem trolls.

    We’ll probably get trolled hard now by someone we’ll never find. That’s the way it goes when you draw attention to something.
    And I’ll be the one crying and offering to do “weird favors” to get them to stop.

  62. “We’ll probably get trolled hard now”

    That’s worked so well in the past. There’s a few here that can deliver the big bitch slap. But I’ve got to say I enjoy it here a lot more when we one like minded group.

  63. I’m glad to see this, no free pass for political trolls. Some of these guys are a real pain in the ass to put up with and I would imagine that they have ran off at least a few readers with their never ending bullshit attacks.

    Thank you BFH. This place is very unique, I love it here.

  64. The stuff I’ve typed in here is deliberately inflammatory and I haven’t been banned, so anybody who gets banned must be more of a moron than I am.

    There, I set the bar.

    Call it “The Tsunami Scale”. 😉

  65. BFH bans #NeverTrump and Cruzette Trolls from IOTWr. Yippie! Yahoo! It just gets frustrating dealing with commenters who just don’t get it and don’t care.
    It’s the eleventh hour and the America we know and love has one last chance not to disappear into a Hellary bottomless pit – electing Trump. By God’s grace and mercy we will get a reprieve.
    This site is one of the most entertaining, stellar and happening blogs around. It’s an honor to be encouraged to participate.
    Commenters shouldn’t waste everyone’s time being obstructive.

  66. “Dadof4 – It’s the white pants and shoes (a white-out) that I was referring to. ”

    That makes sense. I didn’t get it since, in my head, I eliminated the “white” choice with the comment about blondes and, to me, markers have any color but white. Then there’s the whole ‘I didn’t think I was making a comment on the Brazillian thing in the first place’.

    Yeah, a bit slow on my part. Maybe tomorrow I’ll try a sip of Asskicker coffee first.

  67. “Who wants to be number 3?”

    Morons without sleuthing skills could figure who I am. I could get business from all the clues I leave here. No challenge here!

    Besides, I’ve sent you my real name. A contender for gayest name even though historically a fierce one.

    Step-kids of brother that kept out of touch for 17 years plugged my name in the net and was talking to me within 45 minutes. Ten of which were spent waiting for me to hear and respond to their voicemail.

  68. I used to get time outs for speeding thru areas where the rich lived when I was a kid.
    The cops would say if we see you on this side of town you won’t be driving
    for 2 months.

  69. @99th Squad Leader August 31, 2016 at 1:19 am

    > Commenters shouldn’t waste everyone’s time being obstructive.

    Sometimes the plan is just so wrong, that there’s nothing there but wrong. Sometimes the well reasoned expectation of the plan’s ultimate failure is all you have to offer. Sometimes the failures of the plan is all the planners are willing to accept. But, if getting out of the pit is the objective, pointing out “Not that way, there’s lions.” and “No, not that way, either, there’s tigers.” and “Nope. Bears.” and, then, following up with “Don’t even think about that way. I’m can’t prove what it is, but there’s always screaming, and hint of munched Huma.” offers nothing positive. But it may give you pause to come up with a better plan.

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