The Left Revels In Christmas “Jeers” – IOTW Report

The Left Revels In Christmas “Jeers”

You know Melania Trump has become a cultural icon when Colbert has to dedicate a full 8 minutes of his late night show to mocking and jeering at the White House’s Christmas decorations.

Let’s see now, mock Melania’s accent and foreign origin – Check

Accuse the first family of being insensitive and racist  – Check

Ridicule the president for being wealthy before holding public office
(unlike most democrats who gain their fortunes after being elected) – Check


10 Comments on The Left Revels In Christmas “Jeers”

  1. Slightly on/off topic: IMHO, the decision to be an atheist has to be one of the dumbest choices a person can make. To deny Christ based on our human lack of knowledge of the universe is the highest risk behavior ever. But, by all means…go for it.

    Not Christian-like on my part, but I don’t pray for atheists and, when the discussion comes up, I simply tell them that I will never convince them of our Lord’s existence, and they can never cause me to reject my beliefs.


  2. Alec Baldwin impersonates President Trump…this broad impersonates the Classy Melania.
    Would Myley Cyrus imitate Ocasio Cotex?…..Ruth Gordon is still dead, but she could probably still do a great Pelosi. Maybe Carol Burnett?…..8 years of crickets for Michelle imitations. Mostly the same for Hillary

    I only watched a minute or two because it was too damn offensive.

  3. My question is: Why do these morons do this sort of thing? What purpose does it serve? Our First Lady is a beautiful, intelligent lady. Are they denying that?
    The actress in that skit is indeed talented, but she could put her talent to better use rather than denigrating our First Lady. But money is money and Court Jesters, actors, etc. have been known to “do anything” for money, even suk kok. Colbert will meet a sorrow end. Mark my words.

  4. Moe Tom – it comes down to envy, like everything else that motivates the left. Jealous of the successful and those who actually have a life, hatred of themselves for being such enormous losers.

  5. This ill making PUKE is worse than
    ALL the other non-funny late night
    libtard A-h8888’s combined !!!!
    What kind of brain dead turds go to
    his live show ???

  6. I refuse to watch it as I am sure it would only serve to irritate me on an otherwise beautiful day. I love PDJT AND his lovely wife.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  7. The ass-holes can jeer Christmas all they want. They are the losers. Atheists and Darwinistas are getting stuck in the guts with huge daggers wielded by Michael Behe and other ID scientists and the Creationists. They will never prove evolution is correct and their backs are against the wall. The only alternative is God the Supreme Creator.


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