The left’s affectation of adopting weird accents when speaking with different groups is classic leftist pandering – IOTW Report

The left’s affectation of adopting weird accents when speaking with different groups is classic leftist pandering

Hillary’s southern drawl makes an appearance whenever she’s in front of an audience below the Mason-Dixon line. If she’s with super predators black people she is in “no ways tarred (tired)” and she waves around a bottle of hot sauce.

AOC starts to sound like Jenny From the Block if she’s making a rare appearance near her district, eschewing her normal way of speaking – bubble-headed, vocal-fried (Putnam) Valley Girl using big words she discovered the previous day.

(You have to hand it to Bernie Sanders. All those years in Vermont and he still sounds like a Brooklyn Rabbi.)

Now we have Barack Obama adopting what he thinks Swedish people sound like, either that or this is his Swedish autistics voice.

He greets Greta Thunberg with a voice akin to a gay robot.

click date if you have trouble viewing video

He should have just spoke Austrian and been done with it.

23 Comments on The left’s affectation of adopting weird accents when speaking with different groups is classic leftist pandering

  1. That brat at the UN today really got me agitated. Shaming her elders for developing and providing her the ability to make arrange her trip via jet travel to a country halfway around the world using satellites and computers made of carbon in order to scold us in a fascist teutonic accent.

    Today this fascist robot shrieking SHAME ON YOU, really was alarming and off putting.

    You enjoy the fruits of everyone else’s efforts and are a spoiled brat raised by communist parents to scream at those that provided your privileged upbringing.

    Your parents are the real criminals though.


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