Finai found this on Facebook.
Why is this acceptable to the left?
If we had a conservative Supreme Court justice who was a dwarf, would it be okay to call them a part of the Lollipop Guild?
How would that make the left-wing dwarves feel?
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The only standards the left hold are those they hold the right to.
Socialists have no shame.
They understand that they’re trying to take over and destroy the whole world, that they aren’t playing stupid word games and trying to win “gotcha” points.
We’re playing Checkers at a Chess match …
The poster, an avowed Bernie voter
Thomas was the seat that the liberals claimed to be their own since the civil rights leader Marshall death opened the spot. The question is that will Thomas be influenced by a majority liberal bench without the conservative leadership of Scalia.
I’m quite sure Thomas has more integrity than you seems to be crediting him with. Have you read any of his opinions or papers?
Clarence Thomas being intelligent, educated, well spoken and of impeccable character certainly does not fit the BLM crowd’s ideal model for determined young men.
The US has lost a passionate protector of Constitutional Rights.
I pray that Judge Thomas carries the mantel laid at his feet by Justice Scalia.
I believe that Justice Thomas is his own man. The attacks on him are not made by white, red neck, conservative racists, but, on the contrary, by white, liberal, agnostics; academics, and the media racists.
@Moetom – Agreed. Understated, but well thought out.
The NAACP an the Congressional Black Caucus also hate Justice Thomas. The NAACP we can dismiss ,as they don’t seem to know what color they are anymore Born white but turned black a 12 ’cause that’s how I felt. ‘Sides there is big opportunity for
white lookin’ blacks. (Cont. Post comment running out)
The CBC is a horse of a different color however. A friend confided in me that the combined IQ score of the 43 members
is about 3827 and if it were not for Rep. Mia Love of Utah, it would be much, much lower.
If these libtards could read beyond ‘see Spot run’ I would suggest they read the Justice’s book
‘My Grandfather’s Son: A Memoir’
It is indeed intense, inspiring, uplifting and should be on reading lists for schools.
Libtards hate Thomas because he refused to be shufflin’ dependent on their plantation of dependency. Run away slave!
2 weeks ago sitting in a local coffee shop with friend one of the patrons kept spouting off on the evil of conservatives. It’s a small shop and many know each other. He assumed since Suzette is black that she was also a flaming liberal and made several comments on hateful ‘anti-choice’ Republicans. He picked the wrong woman. Suzette is very conservative and the pastor of an evangelical church. She gave him a lesson on black genocide from Margaret Sanger to the present.
I was almost in tears (laughing) as this 5 foot no inch friend stood over his chair and gave him the lecture of a life time.
He shut his trap and left with a look on his face like a teddy bear had just ripped him a new one. Amusing.