The Lights In Europe Are About to Go Out Forever – IOTW Report

The Lights In Europe Are About to Go Out Forever

ht/ hw

25 Comments on The Lights In Europe Are About to Go Out Forever

  1. I suspect, as Milo says, Europe is beyond saving. The rot has spread too widely, too far.

    If we *focus* we can save America, but…. ….the culture wars, the indoctrination (and non-education) of our young *must* be turned around — fast! Otherwise, like zombies, they will squeal on the PC-incorrect and fascist/communist (?), we will be a totalitarian state. ….Lady in Red

  2. The Jeff Flakes of Europe have been very effective. Unfortunately for the U.S. we’ve been rocked to our foundation with the same insanity. To be witnessing the crazed opposition to Trump’s efforts to return this nation to semi-normal is really troubling. What things will look like in 20 years is hard to say.

  3. “Behold, (Hagar) you are with child,
    And you shall bear a son.
    You shall call his name Ishmael,
    Because the Lord has heard your affliction.
    He shall be a wild man;
    His hand shall be against every man,
    And every man’s hand against him.
    And he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.”

  4. You must give credit where credit is due.

    Mark Steyn called this at least two decades ago. So much suffering could have need easily avoided, but white people have loathed themselves into near extinction.

    It’s the most important story of our age, and yet many would still contend that even acknowledging it is “racist”.

    I weep for Western Civilization.

  5. Lord Hobson is so swollen with pride, even Harvey Weinstein is blushing with shame.

    “The culture wars”. “White guilt”. “Secular Humanism”. So much glorious fail — of the people.

    If only the Professional Betters — of representative, constitutional, republics, with general suffrage — weren’t bent to the will of such beasts. They are The Best and The Brightest. They serve the people in the bad choice, that has — sadly, through no fault of mortal man — always been the Best Choice available.

  6. I’m afraid it might be too late for Europe and sadly we’re getting closer to where it will be too late for us.
    I’m going to reveal my racist, bigoted self. I started saying decades ago, long before 9-11 if we didn’t quit allowing these people into our country it was only a matter of time before they started attacking us. I started saying when queers were coming out of the closet if we didn’t start speaking out they were going to be pushing it on our kids in school and on television to make it normal. When the started wanting civil unions, remember those days when all they wanted was to be with their partners in the hospital and be able to leave their property to the partners, I said they would not stop. What they really wanted was to change the definition of marriage. Then even that wouldn’t be enough, they would start wanting to normalize every crazed thing they could come up with including but not limited to pedophilia.
    I said the illegal immigrants were going to get bold enough to start demanding the same rights as citizens.
    I said when being an animal rights nut wasn’t cool if we don’t start paying attention they would grow in numbers and would start attacking farmers and hunters.
    My friends, especially Christian friends told me I was crazy and had a wild imagination. We were a Christian nation that would never happen in our country, certainly not in our lifetime.

    I wasn’t a prophet or a psychic, just a woman who had a little common sense. I just never thought it would happen as quickly as it did. How do you put all these genies back in the bottle?

  7. The Cassandra Syndrome.
    Europe has been given sign after sign.
    Europe is tired, worn out, decimated (maybe duodecimated or tredecimated).
    It’s sorta like trying to convince a stumbling drunk not to step into traffic.
    Europe turned from God to Nihilism over a hundred years ago, and now has no foundation. Allah (Satan) will fill that void.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. @Old Racist White Woman: You’ve expressed clearly what some of biblical prophecy said would happen. Let the Bible expand on what you said. Revelation 6:7-8

    7 When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come.” 8 I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.

    The “ashen horse” is really a green horse (Greek word is Chloros)which is a reference to Islam. Official color of Islam is green. So Islam brings death to the world by the sword. Islam already has authority over a quarter of the earth-1.6 billion muzzies in a world of 6 billion people.

  9. All those who hate the white race, rally together to distinguish it. However, the white liberals will open the escape hatch before they can suffer for the crimes they helped create.

  10. whitey has been killing himself off for centuries through wars. nature abhors a vaccum. In the world population whitey has always been a minority,but he lost control of his women who are finishing him off through abortion. ‘a nation that kills its young is doomed.’sister teresa

  11. You realize, of course, that Europe doesn’t want to be saved?
    The “guilt” that they have imposed upon themselves is crushing them.
    Their acceptance (welcoming, in fact) of their demise is being sold to them as an expiation of their imagined and exaggerated past.
    Like the flagellants who wandered that benighted Continent in the days of the Plague, they chastise themselves for reasons unrelated to their ills. Since they suffer they demand greater sufferings to alleviate their suffering.

    In a thousand years (well, ~670) they’ve learned nothing.

    izlamo delenda est …

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