The MASTERS is Now Problematic – IOTW Report

The MASTERS is Now Problematic

Everyone is looking to find something new to be upset about. Now the activists have set their eyes on the Masters golf tournament.

33 Comments on The MASTERS is Now Problematic

  1. It’s THE MASTERS not the Massas…’Jesus take the wheel’ at this point, this shit is OUT of CONTROL!

    @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ – they ball is only white, because of…’optics’, it’s easily seen.

  2. Hmm… a master mechanic… the ship’s master… jack of all trades, master of none… (that doesn’t count)… master Sargent… master painter… master of arms… master of ceremonies… house master (already cancelled)… master of disaster?

    Narcissistic snowflake goons turn a perfectly good word, like ‘gay’ or ‘queer’ or ‘master’ into what they think it should mean. Then they tear down society until, by God… or Gaia or moloch (why didn’t the internet capitalize moloch, their master… oops, sorry about that use…)or whatever, the word means what the narcissistic snowflake goon says it means. We let them and now our government and corporate ‘overlords’ are going along! Getting late, getting very late.

  3. Fur, it’s time for a contest!!!

    I was just thinking yesterday that we conservatives should shove this nonsense right down the Left’s throats. The idea is to pick a thing, anything, and tweet out that it’s racist, offensive, sick, cancelled!

    I’ll go first:

    Tooth paste! Why do people want “cleaner, WHITER teeth, anyways???! It’s a two-fer! No white teeth! That’s racist and elitist!!

    Ivory soap! The Ivory Coast is in Africa! That’s a direct reference to slavery!! Cancelled!!!

    Lego’s!! The only “O”‘s around legs are iron shackles! Only black slaves in America were ever shackled!! Contemptible!! Racist!! Burn your Legos!!!

    Eggo waffles!!! NO!! Only blacks in America had “O”‘s around their ankles! No eggs ever wore shackles! Duh! Boycott!!!

    SNAP peas. Isn’t it obvious you racist moron?! Do I have to spell it out for you?! Just awful!!

  4. I guess the evil time Lord, the Master from the planet Galifree on Dr. Who will also have to be eliminated now as well. let the extermination by the Daleks begin. If there are no masters in anything what do we have left, a country full of mediocre misfits and idiots. And all those new Master Class ads on TV will have to be replaced by Mediocre Class.

  5. Then there’s the clutch master cylinder, and a slave just to balance the physics. I s’pose we need to call ’em the ‘squisher’ and the ‘squishee’ now?

  6. Outdoorjohn

    Brilliant. Why I think you’ve discovered the root of all this evil. The very epicenter of injustice. Why, if we correct this tonight, we will wake up tomorrow morning and all those protester will be grinning ear to ear and happy for the first time in their lives. Master Cylinder, Slave Cylinder. Maybe we could just remove them from all these protesters cars.

  7. Many years ago in the computer world, there were slaves and A master. This was a networking thingie. Just sayin’.

    Makes me think of Ben Hur, that drum masterbeat and rowing away.


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