The New Hampshire GOP IOTW Live Blog – IOTW Report

The New Hampshire GOP IOTW Live Blog

10:45: Trump: We’ll win if I’m President.

10:45: Trump: Cruz won because he got Ben Carson’s vote.

10:44: Cruz: I’ve been attacked and I won in Iowa.

10:43: Rubio: We are deciding what kind of country our children will have with this election.

10:42: Carson: people keep ignoring me. “Guess what? I’m still here.”

10:41: Bush references Ronald Reagan’s 105th birthday.

10:40: Christie: I will serve the people that have given me the opportunity to do so.

10:40: Kasich: I’ve done 100 town halls and I’ve loved it. You’ve changed me.

10:30: Christie: I agree with Bush on abortion.

10:29: Bush: I’m pro-life; however, there should be exceptions in the cases of rape and incest.

10:27: Rubio: Why don’t people ask Hillary Clinton about her stances on abortion?

10:26: Rubio: I believe deeply that marriage is between a man and a woman.

10:25: Trump: you cannot negotiate with terrorists.

10:24: Cruz: we cannot negotiate with terrorists.

10:23: Rubio references how he’d help VA and a bill that he helped pass.

10:21: Cruz and Trump haven’t spoken for quite a while.

10:19: Bush: Veterans should get cards that will allow them to get care from any hospital they want.

10:17: Christie: Women are equal to men.

10:14: Bush agrees with Rubio: women can serve if they meet requirements.

10:13: Rubio: I have no problem with people of different genders serving in the military, so long as they meet the physical standards.

10:12: Carson: quarantining people is not going too far if there is evidence that they have a disease.

10:11: I’d quarantine people who show signs of the Zika virus. -Christie

10:10: Rubio: Christians are being discriminated against.

10:08: Kasich: We love the police, but we must be responsible.

10:06: Trump: Police are mistreated in the United States.

9:56: Rubio: this is a referendum on President Obama and the direction of the country.

9:55: Trump: I can galvanize the electorate.

9:52: Christie: Heroine addiction is a disease.

9:50: Cruz: My half sister died of an overdose. I understand NH voters’ feelings on the issue.

9:47: Bush: Let’s give more power back to the states.

9:46: Kasich: We must come together.

9:45: Trump: Hug and kiss everyone if they’ll get you the deal you want.

9:42: Cruz: I will use all “executive avenues” that I can to repeal the damage Obama has done to the US.

9:41: Rubio: We cannot telegraph how we’re going to interrogate prisoners.

9:40: Bush: I will not waterboard people.

9:38: Trump: I’d bring back torture.

9:36: Carson: I was the first one to talk about Libya.

9:35: Bush: The world needs strong leadership from the United States.

9:33: I don’t even know if Ben Carson is even there any more.

9:31: Moderator goes after Rubio for saying ISIS is extremely dangerous.

9:29: ISIS will not go away on their own, they must be defeated. -Rubio

9:28: Cruz: We must make terrorists’ buildings rubble.

9:25: Christie: If you think we need to raise taxes on millionaires, “you’re wrong.”

9:23: Rubio: We can’t fix anything by increasing taxes.

9:22: Rubio repeats himself for fourth time.

9:20: Christie attacks Rubio again.

9:19: Kasich keeps clenching his jaw.

9:18: Trump: I’ll bring jobs back from all over the world.

9:17: Rubio: Being a conservative is about three things: limiting the government, free enterprise, and having a strong national defense.

9:16: Being a conservative is being smart and conserving things like money. -Trump

9:14: Kasich: I’ve cut people’s taxes.

9:10: Weird middle-of-the-debate analysis from ABC.

9:06: Trump getting booed again.

9:06: Trump getting booed.

9:05: Trump wanted to take property from an old woman to make a limousine parking lot. -Bush

9:03: Trump: Eminent domain is necessary.

9:02: I can explain everything if I had more time. -Carson

9:01: Carson: I have stuff to say about North Korea, “let me tell ya.”

9:01: Ben Carson hasn’t spoken for over 30 minutes.

9:00: ObamaCare is going to lead to rationing. -Cruz

8:59: Trump: We need to take care of people dying on the street.

8:58: Trump: My health care plan is close to common sense.

8:57: Rubio: It is not leadership to do the same thing over and over again even if it will not work.

8:55: Christie attacks Rubio again.

8:54: Rubio: The American people have “zero trust” in the government.

8:53: Cruz: We need to enforce the law.

8:51: Cruz: I would deport illegals by building a wall.

8:49: Kasich: “We need to finish the border.”

8:48: Christie: You don’t pay ransom to criminals.

8:46: Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing with foreign policy. -Rubio

8:45: Trump: Let China take care of North Korea.

8:45: Trump: Obama is totally incompetent.

8:44: Bush: Obama is just good at marketing terms.

8:42: Kasich: I’m a lot more positive than the debates!

8:37: Jeb Bush: I have the executive experience to run the United States.

8:35: Christie and Rubio are fighting it out and Christie’s winning.

8:34: Rubio looking weak.

8:33: Christie: Rubio is just repeating memorized lines.

8:32: Christie has experience… experience ruining New Jersey. -Rubio

8:32: Christie: Rubio doesn’t have the experience to be President.

8:31: Christie: I have to think about solving problems, unlike Marco.

8:29: Rubio defends his record, mentions legislation that he contributed to.

8:27: Cruz: It was CNN’s fault that my campaign reported the Carson story.

8:26: Cruz: “Ben, I am sorry.”

8:25: Carson: I won’t speak ill of Cruz. But I was disappointed with his team.

8:24: Trump calls out Cruz for not answering question.

8:23: Cruz does not answer whether Trump has the temperament to be President.

8:22: Cruz: everyone on the stage is better than Obama.

8:20: Trump: “I have the best temperament.”

8:18: They forgot Kasich.

8:17: Ben Carson is awkwardly standing there. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!

8:15: The debate is starting!

8:09: So many political commercials. I’ve already seen about a dozen in 20 minutes.

8:02: George Stephanopoulos is now introducing the candidates, says that Rubio’s in 2nd, Kasich and Cruz tied in third.

Welcome to the IOTW live blog! This debate will be, potentially, extremely influential in Tuesday’s primary.

I’ll be looking for attacks levied against Marco Rubio and whether Donald Trump will unload on Ted Cruz or vice versa.

Please join me at 8 and let’s have some fun!

127 Comments on The New Hampshire GOP IOTW Live Blog

  1. Trump offered that old lady a million bucks to move ….she didn’t take it …..he moved on ……no ‘Eminent Domain’ \
    Bush is talking out his ass & the donors are lapping it up

  2. 9:05 Trump still doesn’t explain eminent domain correctly and still has it wrong! Sucks but my #1 issue is immigration and border security. Trump’s ALL IN on that.
    Trump is getting booed because the audience is papered with Bush, Rubio supporters/DONORS.
    The woman in NJ NEVER LOST HER HOUSE. She was offered MILLIONS for a house worth less than $200,000. She NEVER accepted the offers. years later put the house up for sale $5 million and ended up selling the house for way less than what was offered at the time Trump and Guccione offered to purchase. The house still stands there today DESPITE the FALSE CRUZ commercial that WRONGLY accused Trump of taking that house away with E.D. laws and bulldozing it.

  3. “99th Squad Leader
    February 6, 2016 at 8:56 pm

    Every time I look at Christie, all I see is he and Barry walking on the Jersey shore, arm in arm. Some “leader”. Yeah right.”

    Yep, that’s what I see too. Laurel and Hardy arm-in-arm. Christie said he had to do that to get Federal funds. I call BS!

  4. Just back to hear Trump explain the necessity of “eminent domain.” Bridges, roads, hospitals, railroads, etc. Bush came back at him with the old lady in Atlantic City, being evicted? The LoFo s from the Bush camp booed Trump. Bush has that smarmy look of “I won.”. Sickening. Back to “Better call Saul.”

  5. oooooooo ….. “if Jeb! was just this tough against Trump from the beginning, who knows were this race would be”…… lmao
    “Can I buy a clue for a hundred, Alex?”
    Jeb! is more articulate than his brother, but lacks half the charisma …he’d still be polling single digits

  6. 99th Squad Leader — I’ve heard him say this many times on the stump. In context (which is how I’ve heard it) he’s saying that no one should be cut off from help if they really can’t afford it — that no should have to die because they couldn’t afford a doctor.

  7. I think the nature of the pipeline project makes it both, but built by a private company but I could be wrong. Because of the public right of way, it would take eminent domain to make it work.

  8. Wouldn’t it be great if every four years we didn’t have this spectacle, U.S. politics version of American Gladiator? How about C-SPAN air every debate professionally moderated by only those who are completely outside the media complex — asking questions that pertain directly to the job of president?

    You’d think if we could put a man on the moon…
    They could put George Stephanopoulos on the moon.

  9. first ABC disses the one woman running on the republican side….now they’re totally ignoring the black guy & giving Jeb! every opportunity
    …guess it’s only sexist or raaaaaacist if you’re a demonRAT

  10. I think we all know what a bald-faced farce having the left moderate a debate would be. The RNC wants an establishment candidate, the left want an establishment candidate. This is just plain wrong. They teed this up for tomorrow’s news cycle and their friends at News Corp. Everybody gets a paycheck!

  11. we know we have to ask all these other ‘candidate’ questions … but, what do you think about this Jeb!?

    too bad ABC can’t have an exclusive Q&A w/ Jeb! without the bother of all these other people……sheesh

  12. Geoff C. Saltine, I get it, but no one is being turned away from getting healthcare. Clinics and emergency departments in the US treat anyone at anytime even when patient cannot pay.

  13. I’m so sick & tired of ‘the first hundred days’ bullshit …. it’s media bullcrap symbolism… got over 1200 days to do something ….. do it, do it right!

  14. Abigail Adams – Nope. I have had emergency and chronic illness situations and made payment arrangements AFTER treatment, especially when I’ve had no insurance.
    For those who can’t pay, costs are absorbed by taxpayers, and yes, not the best solution, but no one is dying on the street because they have no access to healthcare in this country.

  15. 99 — I understand what you are saying. I agree with it in principle, but a big part of the problem is that anyone should be getting their healthcare at an ER. Because there are many who we’d consider middle income (now lower middle income) who have no insurance (they pay the penalty instead) and put off health exams and what they think are minor problems until they need an ER visit. Or, because every single dollar for healthcare is out of pocket because of very high deductibles, people aren’t getting regular health checkups that they probably did in past times. And, as many of those Americans are now 8 years older than when obama took office, they’ve gotten older and are even more prone to issues related to aging. For those of us with good health (not saying you, necessarily) it’s hard to imagine what it might be like to know you really should see a doc for a number of things, but you just can’t afford it.

  16. Abigail Adams and Mr. Pinko, I definitely agree with your points – believe me I understand the issues concerning healthcare in this country. Trump’s statement is still incorrect, in my opinion.

  17. 99th Squad Leader – you’re interpreting Trump’s answer wrong. He’s saying with his NEW Health Care plan – NO ONE will be left behind dying in the street. His new plan will not screw anybody (INCLUDING VETERANS)

  18. 99th, what you describe has been in existence way before the Obamacare train wreck. In the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s. If you go to an emergency room you get treated. It’s just 10 times the price now for the rest of us.

  19. I thought Cruz’s closing was perfect for someone who doesn’t want to win the GE. He made it very clear that he is staunchly conservative and it won’t play in Peoria with people who are scared senseless by who the DNC say they are on social issues. He’s been running for so long, now, on the “I’m the only real conservative” platform, it seems he forgot that the debate is a national audience made up of a lot of people who will be put off by what they will perceive as stubbornly ideological. So, so many people don’t even know what conservatism is, only what the Dems tell them it is.

  20. I knew something was missing tonight. Trump, and others, kept the personal crap to a minimum. I thought Tump was dignified, which was really good to see. If he ends up winning this whole thing, well its good to know he can reign it in.

  21. Winners …. no one, except massive amounts of ‘Jeb! time’ … obviously planned by ABC ….amazing how the establishment tries to manipulate everything on both sides
    Losers …. Rubio … inexperience … needs a booster seat
    Trump … only fug-up was the Police answer … decent night
    Carson … least camera time, always articulate, always gracious & mannerly…. just what the country needs, but won’t get … God bless you Dr. Carson
    Chrispy … cleaned little Marco’s clock
    Kasich … at least after Monday he, hopefully, won’t be around
    Bush … ugh, most camera time … what a waste
    Cruz … not a good night …. “my legislature with Steve King” .. really? .. & that woodpecker in his podium!

  22. 99th, we need to start taking care of our people. There’s a looming health care crisis coming. And it’s a sin to throw our war fighters to the curb. They’re a hell of a lot more valuable than our college indoctrinated communists. They are the fabric of our nation.

  23. This kind of shit sums up why I stopped supporting Trump:
    “Cruz won because he got Ben Carson’s vote.”

    What an 0bama petulant bullshit thing to say.
    Fuck you Trump.
    President Rubio has a better ring than President petulant Trump.

    Go Peyton and Broncos defense!

  24. Trump kicked ass. Trump won despite the loaded audience. I feel by skipping the last debate he was out of sight out of mind but he dominated tonight. This is just what he needed and could not do any better. He left everything he had at that podium. Let the pundits hash it out. Progressives are the disease, Trumps the cure.

  25. At the next debate I want to hear these guys start tearing up killary and the bern it could not happen tonight being on ABC. Its time to thin the herd and get down to the nit and grit of who our sides leader is going to be. It looked like Trump won Carson was good Rubio did poorly Cruz was ok. Watch for how good Yeb was from the talking heads.

  26. It sounds like Christie kicked Rubio’s ass over Rubio’s readiness.
    The summaries of that are gruesome. I need to re-think Christie. re-think my Christie ideas. His Rubio points apply almost equally to Cruz. Christie’s more qualified than either.

  27. Loco — So hard to understand how that works, but it does. I think people are just fed up with the forked-tongue politispeak and when you get right down to it, Trump is right. He (and we) are going to win because the other team sucks. They suck big! They suck a lot! No one has ever sucked so much!

  28. Loco, have you ever read Trump Internationals portfolio. You’re right. The guys a dead fucking loser. Dude you’re a smart guy. Figure it out. By the way, check the polls out. You seem to be one of the few that thought he sucked.

  29. Brad, if Trump pulls it off, I will be the first to admit I was dead wrong.
    I don’t believe I am. Time will tell.
    I want to win so bad, I just have trouble ignoring all the red flags.
    I was nearly all in for Trump a couple of months ago.

    I only blast him because he is insulting me with some of the statements he makes.
    He lost my trust.

  30. Trump has made many false statements about my core beliefs.
    Like I am some idiot for supporting Cruz because of horseshit Trump ‘birther’ lies.
    Three months ago Trump said Cruz was 100% eligible.
    Now, not so much.
    That insults my intelligence.
    I am far from stupid.

    He said Cruz is worse than Hillary.
    So, if Cruz gets the nomination, will Trump vote for Hillary?
    Will Trump run as an Independent?
    Or is it simply hyperbole bullshit?
    Do we really need more lies?

    Trump said he could make deals with Pelosi, Reid, & Schumer.
    They don’t make deals.
    They don’t reach across the isle.
    They do not compromise.
    The only way to deal with them is to BURY THEM!
    Destroy them.
    You cannot compromise with that scum.
    They damn sure won’t compromise with conservative principles.
    That is why I get insulted by Trump.
    Cut the bullshit Donald and act presidential.
    In all honesty, the more he opens his mouth and flaps his gums the more I see Trump as a billionaire 0bama.

  31. OK, I gotcha, and some what of a valid point. But here’s how I digest this. Trumps like the ultimate politically incorrect business warrior. Trump is not smooth, Trump is not P.C. Trump attacks from instinct when he thinks the time is right. So here’s the deal. Last man standing we both support.

  32. Loco, 99th. It’s a fucked up three dimensional chest game full of lies and bull shit. We all need to calm down and rally behind the “The Guy”. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. What the hell are we going to do if a Sanders gets elected?

  33. Loco — I can’t respond to everything you say because even though I’ve heard every rally, town hall and interview he’s given, I missed some of the things you mention.

    Anyway, I’m not into kidding myself at this age. I’ve done my share of cringing but I think it’s mostly because, hey, I’ve been just as vulnerable to PC as anyone else. It wasn’t until I realized who Trump really is (BadBrad sums up) that I stopped feeling bad about it. One thing’s for sure, he thinks for himself, he’ll go into the WH not owing a shiny dime or a one red cent to anyone. A lot of people think he’s rough hewn, but I’d rather have that than someone like Rubio who can eviscerate you with a smile.

  34. Abigail and Brad, I am in agreement with a lot of what you have to say.
    Hopefully this will all come out in the wash and we can get down to the business of developing the next Bill O’Reilly book, ‘Killing Hillary’.
    I was very encouraged about the way they absolutely eviscerated that Hillary cow in the debate tonight.
    She can expect a heaping helping of that for the next 9 months.
    She can run but she cannot hide for the facts.

  35. TO Loco

    Think of the irony of Cruz’s remark: he “wants to change the way Washington works” after USING the ways Washington works to – ahem – acquire votes in Iowa…
    …and Trump rightly called him out on it.

    Not diplomatic. Just true.
    Just “reap what you sow,” and all…

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