The Obvious Is Unavoidable – IOTW Report

The Obvious Is Unavoidable

The Liberty Daily

Millions of us have unwaveringly maintained our belief that the 2020 election was stolen. We have not listened to those on the left calling us crazy insurrectionists. We have not listened to those on the right telling us to “move on.” We’ve stayed true to believing what we saw with our eyes, what we understood in our minds, and what we felt in our hearts. More

92 Comments on The Obvious Is Unavoidable

  1. This country is ours to lose. But we keep investing in the corrupt, backstabbing Republican Party. The only vocals GOP voices are MTG, Boebert and Gaetz and a couple of others. The rest of them just hide and serve the swamp.

    Trump and RFK Jr are breaths of fresh air. I worry DeSantis has thrown in with the Karl Rove shithole part of the GOP, and they own him.

  2. The elephant in the room: Will America ever have free and fair elections again?

    Biden’s answer: It ain’t up to me. I am only in it for the money skim.

    Congressional answer: It ain’t up to us. We are in for the money so and insider training info.

    In other words who cares – you don’t have the standing too even ask the question.

  3. The Obsolete Man: elections are TOTALLY rigged. The game: it’s always by a “few votes” that they win. Unless we win in an landslide where they can’t cheat by printing ballots where they need to, we’re fucked.

  4. Yes, Dominion, you may be there, but don’t get a big head; you’re just one cog in a vast machine. And you’d better hope that Jay Valentine continues to be suppressed and ignored by the Uniparty. Otherwise, you might be there, alone, impotent and unable to deliver the fraud, because all of your fellow fraud methods were exposed and neutralized.

    So laugh it up, Dominion. HAL 9000 was pretty smug, too. And yes, that was fiction, but so is BIDEN 81,000,000.

  5. @Burr
    Check out Camper World and Home Depot for deals on parts.
    Searching Amazon’s gaming parts has also offered up some savings on knock off equipment.
    Good luck on your DIY

  6. We have some surplus material we’ll sell you, Burr. Since we unexpectedly got a cancelation from a submarine outfit, we’ll throw in a Logitec controller for FREE.

  7. ‘Cause all I wanna do is build a hun
    I got a feeling I’m not the only one
    All I wanna do is build a hun
    Throw out some 30 pound high explosive shells
    All I wanna do is build a hun
    Drop some 30 pound shells on Santa Monica Boulevard

  8. DeSantis won because of Trump. He’s not loyal to Trump. DeSantis is showing the attributes of a typical political weasel that puts a political career ahead of loyalty.
    He’s not loyal to the guy who got him where he is today. And that’s why DeSantis is not trustworthy. RINO
    #Trump2024 or BUST!

  9. Sorry Mr. Pinko but Trump views loyalty as a one-way street that is exclusive to him.
    Trump endorsed DeSantis in 2018 and DeSantis returned the favor in 2020.
    Now Trump tells nothing but lies about DeSantis and he’s still supposed to kiss the ring? DeSantis is a fighter like Trump and definitely not a cuck.
    He owes nobody.
    Disney gave money to the DeSantis campaign in 2022 and he took them to the woodshed for fucking with schoolkids.

    I know you are all-in on Trump and not looking for an argument but this loyalty canard is ridiculous in politics.
    It truly is only one-way with Trump.

  10. ^^^^ yep. Look no further than Kayleigh McEnany, the most loyal minion Trump ever had, and he shit on her big time.

    Trump has always been a diversity hire guy, screw qualifications or ability, the guy that can bow the lowest and grovel is hired.

  11. joe6, you constantly say DeSantis owes Jeb?
    For what you cannot explain?
    You never even try.
    “Something something”, Jeb once praised DeSantis.

    The fact is, DeSantis is not beholden to anyone but his wife & family.
    He proves it by his actions, not only his words.
    Prove me wrong.

  12. DeSantis went from winning by 30,000 votes in 2018 to winning by 1.5 million in 2022.
    His governance rocketed him to his landslide victory.
    Nobody else had a hand in that.

    Actions, no words & hyperbole.
    “Build the wall & make Mexico pay” sounds great at a rally, I get that but damn, when the rubber meets the road…

  13. Using the metric of who supports a candidate defines his beliefs has got to be the stupidest measure ever.

    Many good conservatives hate Trump, it’s their choice and you can’t argue with their rationale. To say that RDS is beholden to any contributor or donor and must, when elected perform a quid pro quo is so dumb.

  14. It is just so perplexing to me that a guy with so many wins in his column and actually gets shit done scares the shit out the MAGA crowd. You would think that if their guy was so dreamy, so competent, and such a badass that he would welcome any and all comers, grist for the mill, low-hanging fruit where he could hone his craft and get battle ready. But no, they don’t want a competition, they want a coronation.

    What are you guys afraid of?

  15. From the Tucker Carlson: Ep.6 post the other day, page three, 11:33 PM by joe6:

    “Loco, there is no question that DeSantis could have a meaningful position in our country’s politics. But as far as I’m concerned he must shake loose of the Bush deep state influence. I really doubt he ever will. I’m not hopeful for where we are headed.”

    You didn’t specify “Jeb” Bush this time but it was still “BUSH, BUT BUSH!” and it only took 30 seconds to find.
    If you want I will find other instances because you do it all the time.
    You can’t help yourself with your only-Trumpness

  16. Loco, who in the hell are “these guys”? Do you even know who you are talking to? Even though you might ultimately be on our side, I’ve got to say you don’t always make sense. But don’t give up, we will need every vote we can get.

  17. I read here many times from smart folks (and some not, you know who you are) how RDS is a Globalist, not an America-first guy, but when pushed to a position to offer receipts or shut up, crickets. So I’m putting it out there again, show your work. And some bullshit link about a real globalist supporting RDS does not count, for reasons I documented above.

  18. joe6, if all the wins RDS has racked up were attributable to Trump you would be waving the pom-poms.
    Dude has had damn near an undefeated season and you are like “but the Jets scored 10 points against them in that 35 point loss…”

  19. Trump would solve a lot of our problems, so doubt about it, he would kick ass, but this blind hero worship devotion exhibited here is rather nauseating, and I can’t help but push back.

  20. Not to beat a dead horse and pile on my friend joe6 but I didn’t see this one from him on the same thread at 11:46 PM:

    “C’mon Loco, wake up and smell the coffee. You have to believe that in order to receive a Bush endorsement that there are expectations of performance. DeSantis has been bought and paid for.”

    DEFINITELY talking about Jeb since GW didn’t endorse RDS and GHWB is currently viewing a thousand points of light…

    You guys must know by now…LOCO BRINGS RECEIPTS!

    *PS, joe6, do you NOT see how RIDICULOUS THAT STATEMENT IS???????

  21. Also, like ANY fucking Bush had ANYTHING to do with RDS winning Florida?
    He may have been at Gitmo during the Bush term but otherwise WTF?
    Nothing to do with the Bushes. EVER.

    Oh, wait, are you telling me that a *checks notes* former governor of Florida named Jeb Bush actually attended the inauguration of the current governor of Florida?
    Ohhhhhh! Noooo!!!!

    Only one fucking thing!
    That proves it!!!
    Written in stone!
    Dude is owned by the Bushes.

    Ron DeSantis OWES fealty to the former governor who had absolutely NOT A FUCKING THING TO DO WITH HIM BEING ELECTED!
    Yep, that’s the ticket.

    Do you see how fucking dumb that sounds?
    Good fucking grief!
    Consider this an intervention.
    You are welcome.

  22. I’m betting that every white supremacist in the country (all 27 of them, don’t believe the FBI stats)voted for Trump in 2016, does this mean that Trump was beholden to this group to support and advance their beliefs?

    Most Christian organizations supported him as well, were they all expecting a quid pro quo, him turning our nation into a theocracy?

    Many Mexicans voted for Trump, ah, so that’s why he never finished the wall…….he owed them.

    This is silliness at its finest, we gotta do better.

  23. “Trump would solve a lot of our problems, so doubt about it, he would kick ass, but this blind hero worship devotion exhibited here is rather nauseating, and I can’t help but push back.”

    That’s because you’re one stupid fuck. There’s only one MAGA. Trump might have started it, But it is self sustaining at this point. If you are an American First candidate yo need to win the MAGA vote. And Ronda is hated by MAGA because his affiliation with the Bushes and his betrayal of DJT. Trump didn’t need Ronda. However Ronda did need Trump. When you’re top dog it’s not reciprocal fool. And Ronda slapped him in the face. Like the majority of MAGA, I’ll never vote for the weak sister. But you two clowns just keep your shit up. Honestly at this point in time I’m thinking you’re doing Ronda more harm than good.

  24. There once was a man from Nantucket, whose crank was so long he could suck it.

    He said with a grin, as he wiped off his chin, “If my arse were a snatch I would fuck it…”

  25. How funny, I was just thinking to myself so civil this whole conversation, and sure as shit, Hurricane Brad rolls in and devolves the discourse right into the gutter. The mental midget never disappoints.

    I’m surprised you even had time to read the thread, I thought you would be getting ready for the new Barbie movie coming out and you hosting the local chapter of the Barbie Fan Club. just curious, what’s on the menu?

  26. If DeSantis slapped Trump in the face it’s high time Trump quit being such a cuck.
    He looks weak and old with his lies about RDS.
    Say’s RDS was a lock-down governor meanwhile countless videos of Trump complaining the he was opening the state too early.

    Quit being such a pussy-assed bitch Mr. Trump.
    Whining about DeSantis is a little bitch move.
    Did Stormy teach you that while she was cupping your balls in that LA hotel room?

    The reality Trump is working on indictment number three, and it aint exactly “Let’s Make a Deal”
    4 & 5 will be comig too…

  27. “I’m surprised you even had time to read the thread, I thought you would be getting ready for the new Barbie movie coming out and you hosting the local chapter of the Barbie Fan Club. just curious, what’s on the menu?”

    Is that you best attempt at an insult you fucking pussy? Pretty childish.
    I read the thread. Sounded like everyone was trying to be civil. Except for you and the runt.

    I’m out, type away/

  28. “Is that you best attempt at an insult you fucking pussy?”

    No, I got lots more, guys like you right the jokes themselves.

    “I’m out, type away/”

    Yeah, like I’ve heard that before.

    “I keep hoping he will post pics of some buxom chick but he is just a tease.”

    All his lame quips are about dudes. He mentions fantasizing about us slapping each other’s naked asses, that got me thinking. Then he brings up Joey Swoll’s buttplug. I guess that’s better than having one 98.6 temp attached to a man straddling you from behind.

  29. Agreed Rich, for someone to think of the governor of Florida, using a woman’s name, and to imagine “her” or him, in a Speedo is weird as fucking hell.
    Dude has always needed an intervention but damn…

    Plus the facts about Trump’s colorful history of transgressions, marriages, divorces, lawsuits, payoffs, Epstein connection…
    I wouldn’t go there if that was my guy.

  30. I have to type I’m surprised Burr can’t read kraut.

    My Dad had a photographic print enlarger from the USSR. The instructions were in some kind of upside down Ks and some shit I never seen. And then there was a translation to honkey in the pamphlet. There was an entire page of shit that every paragraph started with, “IT IS FORBIDDEN…” to do such and such. I was thinking Dad bought some dangerous shit.

    All the bullshit aside, I can read kraut. Every sentence starts with, “IT IS FORBIDDEN…”

  31. This thread was supposedly about the 2020 election being stolen.
    I imagine we all agree that it was.
    Somehow it became a thread bashing one of the few hopes this country has due to outright ignorance.
    Sorry but I still care about reality.
    We may have only one candidate that will beat the democrats in 2024.
    The polls that came out yesterday look pretty grim for a certain candidate in the general election.

  32. I’m going to try harder to tune out all of the DDS exhibited here, as silly and as unsubstantiated as it is. If anyone would actually like to provide legitimate links that RDS is the globalist that you guys say he is, I would welcome that.

  33. I didn’t think much of Trump when he ran. But when it came down to what they call brass tacks there was no question. And then he did a fantastic job. Fuels of all types (I use many fuels, petrol, diesel, anthracite, propane) had come down the precipice in cost. And then my tax returns. I retired, so far, at 41 years old. My holdings were climbing.

    Trump did that. And The US of A. The reality was Trump did a good fucking job. I don’t care about the rest of the bullshit.

  34. Loco, I’ve never before seen that you agreed that the 2020 election was stolen. This changes everything. Up to this point you’ve suggested it’s a conspiracy theory. Are you now saying this is what you believe?

  35. Here’s what you don’t get. Understandably so, considering where you live. So let me help you out with a little logic. What percentage of the MAGA vote does Ronda need to secure his run? Let me rephrase that How much of the MAGA vote can Ronda afford to lose and still be victorious? I’m thinking Ronda needs at least 75% of the Maga vote to carry the day. That’s not happening and that’s an extremely liberal number. I won’t speak for anyone here, but most my biz pals, most my neighbors, most of my acquaintances are hard core America First peeps. Headed up by the guy Ronda slapped in the face. They view Ronda the same way I do. Dan Crenshaw with both eyes and no talent with a gun. If Trumps prevented from running he will make an endorsement. And 95% of MAGA will vote for that person. And that person won’t be Ronda. Period, end of story.

  36. Erik, Trump has a record that he should run on.
    Why he doesn’t focus on that is beyond me.
    RDS is a rival, albeit an ally, not someone to be destroyed with outright lies.
    people aren’t stupid.
    How many millions of MAGA like both of them?
    Many millions of voters.

  37. Once again joe6, you have proven you have no memory of anything.
    Need I provide countless more receipts?
    Are you not tired of being owned?
    I’m tired of owning you with hard proof.
    I get that Brad erases his memory on a nightly basis but damn…

  38. I knew Brad would be back, it is in his nature to say one thing and then do the opposite.

    But I do appreciate his last comment, I don’t agree with it and I think his logic is flawed but that is what he believes, so that’s fine.

  39. You are correct Rich AND BRAD!
    Nobody will be voting for Ronda in 2024.
    She is far too unknown to get into the race.
    Is she even holding office right now or is she out golfing or perhaps meeting with lawyers due to pending indictments?

  40. “But I do appreciate his last comment, I don’t agree with it and I think his logic is flawed but that is what he believes, so that’s fine.”

    Logics rock solid and you know it. Get specific, Where do you disagree? It’s the absolute truth. Rondas wasting his time and Jebbies money. Sorry to wreck your evening. Remember, Trump just got more votes than any sitting President. Fire away. I need a good laugh.

  41. “DeSantis pulled votes from everyone in 2022:

    Yep, due to Trumps endorsement. And then what did the little weasel do? Burned Trump. Remember, we was way behind.

  42. Loco, c’mon bring it on. You have not owned me yet! Are you suggesting that you have not taken a position that the 2020 was up and up? You have consistently suggested we need to move on. As American Patriots we must continue to fight against the corruption in our electoral process. We must fight against what is being jammed down our throats! Once again, WAKE UP AND SMELL THE FUCKING COFFEE!!!

  43. Sigh, joe6, I have expressed my position a thousand times on this site.
    Tired of having to prove shit to outright liars so fuck that.
    I don’t care if you don’t pay attention to shit now.
    I thought you were better than that.
    So be it.

  44. “Yep, Senator OZ would like a word.
    Wait, what?”

    Wait what? God I’m tired of reading that childish bull shit. The results from Trumps endorsement for Ronda are easy to track. Even you could do it.
    Wait, what?

  45. Brad, please explain to me how you see Trump doing something that he couldn’t do before, namely beating Biden. The last time he had the power of the presidency behind him, a really good economy to fall back on and no legal problems staring him in the face. So this time where do you see these new votes coming from? Explain that to me.

    The other day I posted links documenting his unfavorability rating and his head-to-head ratings against DeSantis. Did you see those or does your memory do a hard reset at midnight every night?

  46. Is that right runt? Then lets start here. Tell me where I’m wrong. I’ll wait.

    Here’s what you don’t get. Understandably so, considering where you live. So let me help you out with a little logic. What percentage of the MAGA vote does Ronda need to secure his run? Let me rephrase that How much of the MAGA vote can Ronda afford to lose and still be victorious? I’m thinking Ronda needs at least 75% of the Maga vote to carry the day. That’s not happening and that’s an extremely liberal number. I won’t speak for anyone here, but most my biz pals, most my neighbors, most of my acquaintances are hard core America First peeps. Headed up by the guy Ronda slapped in the face. They view Ronda the same way I do. Dan Crenshaw with both eyes and no talent with a gun. If Trumps prevented from running he will make an endorsement. And 95% of MAGA will vote for that person. And that person won’t be Ronda. Period, end of story

  47. So in other words, you have no answer as to how Trump is going to win the next election where he couldn’t win the last, got it, wishful thinking at its finest.

  48. Loco, I can’t believe what a hard headed SOB you are. Is DeSantis really what will save our country? Are you not concerned with the “Deep State” that is supporting him? Loco, you’re better than this.

  49. Brad you can’t even get the years right for crying out loud.
    RDS won in 2018, barely, but he won due to the fact that some crackheaded coon was under indictment for fraud.
    Trump’s endorsement did little.
    RDS winning proved to be fortuitous for the state of Florida and the entire country. Especially since Trump mishandled covid so fucking bad.

    He doesn’t owe Trump a goddamn thing except a big FUCK YOU to him!
    Tell the asshole to pound Florida sand.
    Actually Trump owes RDS a ton because last time I checked Mar a Lago is located in Florida.
    Trump & his entire family should be kissing DeSantis’s ass.
    Imagine if that drug addled fool Gillum were gov?

  50. Brad, I’m going to show you how it’s done. It’s getting late and I’m out, not “Brad” out where I’ll come slinking back but out for the night.

  51. “So in other words, you have no answer as to how Trump is going to win the next election where he couldn’t win the last”

    Well Dominion won’t help either candidate. But since DJT and MAGA basically own the Republican party, what the hell kind of chance does Ronda have. I mean, the only reason he won his office in Florida was Trump. Come on!

  52. “Brad, I’m going to show you how it’s done. It’s getting late and I’m out, not “Brad” out where I’ll come slinking back but out for the night.”

    So I take it your not enjoying my return tonight. Your logic has always sucked. I guess this is your way of saying I just git my ass kicked.

    Good night. The other idiot is no longer worth arguing with.

  53. “Trump barely beat Hillary and you guys want to go scorched-earth against anyone who isn’t a 100% true believer”.

    President Trump beat the margin of fraud and that was YUGE.

  54. “President Trump beat the margin of fraud and that was YUGE.”

    No, he didn’t. Hillary beat Trump in the popular by 3 million votes. What saved Trump is that he got a handful more in 3 battleground states which gave him the Electoral College win.

  55. I recognize that it’s past midnight so Brad’s brain did a hard reset and he won’t remember any of this but for those here that share his DDS, I got 3 serious questions that you will need to address at some point;

    1) Why do you think the left is working so damned hard to get Trump nominated?
    2) RDS is consistently tagged here as a globalist and not America-first, what policies as governor has he initiated or what has he said specifically that brands him as a globalist?
    3)In 2020 Trump, with the full backing of a sitting presidency lost to Biden by more than 7 million votes. Now he is out of office and facing several criminal indictments that might put him in prison, and this fact is plastered on every front page of every newspaper. What do you expect him to do differently this time to win considering all his present baggage?

  56. “Electoral College win”.

    …and that right there is how he beat the fraud in 2016 and how they made it impossible to beat the fraud in 2024 and future elections..

  57. Agreed Rich, I would add that instead of bashing a true conservative with outright, easily disprovable lies, Trump & his allies focus on key states, ballots & voters.

    Of course when Trump endorsed Ronna McDanial as GOP chair that idea went out the window.
    Key states have been ignored.
    Hell, some morons are actually talking about California.

  58. I’m 47 now, and almost everything I have is worth a pile of dried out dogshit. I mean assets. Our home is worth 30 grand less than it was six years ago. And the taxes went up. My retirement… don’t ask. Cars are almost always garbage. Pay 5000, get 500. Except my Beetle, Burr. I paid 5000 for that (for a 12 dollar car) and now get erotic offers. “I’ll give you 15,000 for that car, today.”

    “Fuck off.”


    “Fuck off.”

    I can’t replace that car. It’s mine until I die. Ian can sell it for 25 dollars when my brain goes mush, or when I croak. That’s MY fucking car. Every bit of grease, every bearing, every ball joint, every fucking everything in that car I put my hands on.

    I don’t even like cars. But that is MY car, and if you aren’t talking a million dollars you can’t have it.

    What the hell was my point?


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