The Obvious Reason WHO Skipped To Omicron – IOTW Report

The Obvious Reason WHO Skipped To Omicron


With the media dialing up the fear over the latest scary COVID variant, it hasn’t escaped the attention of many astute observers that something very strange is going on with the World Health Organization’s choice of a name for the strain that could lead to renewed lockdowns and bolster the Biden administration’s vaccine push.

No sooner had the Thanksgiving leftovers been put away and big box stores opened their doors for Black Friday sales than the hysteria over the Omicron variant erupted across a media that, in addition to running cover for far-left extremists, specializes in promoting panic and the new variant was an early Christmas gift that will generate massive ratings with the inevitable 24/7 coverage. More

16 Comments on The Obvious Reason WHO Skipped To Omicron

  1. I think the new variant strain should be called ‘WOLF”, as in the Boy Who Cried Wolf. The media keep trying to frighten the public with a new strain with symptoms that are milder than previous ones. They deserve to be ignored …

  2. Seems like standard communistic tactics. Nothing they have been able to do in the past 10 months has managed to take down the stock market. Let’s create a new strain on Black Friday. Gee, that worked

  3. I must be missing something, not being very familiar with Greek letters. After Delta, there are 10 letters before Omicron, and Xi is just before Omicron.

    I think the last variant was Delta, so the next one should be Epsilon, no?

  4. Yaaawwwwnn. This has all been SOOO predictable – if you’re a conservative. If you’re a libtard, it’s new and shocking and scary as hell. Wake me up when we reach the end of the Greek alphabet.

    You libtards are SOOO pathetic.

  5. There’s enough ignorants swayed by useful media idiots to keep this charade going for not only the entire greek alphabet, with skipped letters, but also an entire wikipedia of transgender and gender neutral names. Strap in, it’s a long ride to 2076.


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