The One Democrat I Fear In 2020 – IOTW Report

The One Democrat I Fear In 2020

Judge Napolitano was on BookTV promoting his new book this weekend. He was joined on stage by former house member Joe Sestak (D-PA).  Sestak is a retired two-star admiral and has most recently run twice for Senate (losing in the general the first time and the primary the second).  Review his positions on Wikipedia and you’ll see he’s with the right party (pro-abortion, gun control, loved by environmental nuts, card check for union votes, etc.).

Sestak comes off as a disillusioned moderate, however.  His observations on the failure of our political leaders are as good as anything coming from the right. They turn the forum over to the admiral at the 17:50. I highly recommended watching, Here

8 Comments on The One Democrat I Fear In 2020

  1. The way the current Democrat party is headed, he’d have to run as an indie or GOP. The nevertrumpers would fawn over him, for sure. But the fact that he’s such a mellow, philosophical guy doesn’t change the fact that he’s ahead of Beto on the same political arc. Lost the General the first time, couldn’t win the primary the second time…Time to run for President?


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