The Origins Of The Anti-Human Depopulation Agenda – IOTW Report

The Origins Of The Anti-Human Depopulation Agenda

The Matt Walsh Podcast LINK

Start at 02:50 through 21:20.

Here is the link to the Jaffe Memo of 1969 that they discuss in the podcast. You can download it from THIS site.

h/t Jason

9 Comments on The Origins Of The Anti-Human Depopulation Agenda

  1. I was telling my children that the “left” is using the entire Trans thing to sterilize people. At first they rolled their eyes and acted like I’d read too many political blogs. But when I explained what they want to do to children… children, not adults… they started listening. Then I asked them one question, if “transitioning” removes the ability to reproduce and once done it can’t be reversed, what else do you call it but sterilization?

    I think they are paying attention now.

  2. Create pandemic
    Develop an untested “vaccine” – causing genetic mutations, sterility, death
    Ban our own energy sources
    Make food and essentials unaffordable
    Ban meat
    Say we must eat insects (transition to Soylent Green

  3. Simple!

    As Saint Tucker Carlson recently said, that Bolt-Neck Kerry (including Soros, Bloomberg, et al.) as the Anti Human Death Cult, and, that Kerry is,

    “Another half-demented 80-year-old yelling about things he doesn’t understand. These are our leaders. They don’t care about our future because they don’t have one of their own.”

    …Heeah that? because they do not have anymore self-imagined, ignorant future. And, all of us should die with these self-appointed “gods”….while most of us are still cherished “Boomers” to the beloved younger generation, until they come of age.

  4. ^ Anonymous:

    Kill (abort) 75+ million black babies since 1970.

    Encourage women to hate their biological/reproductive roles.

    Raise boys to be confused, effeminate sissies that turn gay and fail to reproduce as adults.

    Create and enforce agricultural use of ‘extermination seed.’

    Make the ‘family farm’ go away and rely on corporate agriculture that is internationally for sale.

    Promote heavy/repeated use of products like glyphosate and other pesticides throughout agriculture.

    Promote use of ‘forever chemicals’

    Do nothing to halt generation of microplastics in fresh and saltwater.

    Install ‘kill switches’ in everything, from the Internet, to your car, to the electricity and water to your home.

    Plan for – and eliminate – the use of liquid fuels in the society with zero understanding of how it will kill all industry.

    Convince people that mRNA vaccines of all types ‘are the future.’ One deliberate, bad run in the future could kill billions who are convinced it’s safe.

    Promote chaos in our cities, meaningless elections, civil strife and eventual rebellion that will be put down with millions dead.

    … (I know I’m forgetting a lot…)

  5. About 50 million people in the U.S. identify as Black.

    Whackity-whack, carry the one, and instead of a quarter of the population being Black, only about an eighth is negroid.

  6. The WEF and world government dictator wanna-bees have to consider what to do with 4 or 5 billion dead people. They are undoubtedly atheists, so burial is out of the question, plus it will use up too much land which needs to be reforested to save the earth. That means they’ll have burn us up in thousands of new crematoriums. That means lots more air pollution and tons of smoke particles in the air.

    No, they have not considered the severe environmental effects and costs of disposing of us. Just like with EVs, the dumb bastards have not thought it through.

  7. The anti-human Satanists have been crying this bullshit since Malthus – it is based on ignorance and hate and has absolutely no relation to reality vis-à-vis man’s God-given abilities to adapt and innovate.

    It’s kind of amazing that however many times the concept is proven fallacious, it continues to crop up. And always by the same pseudo-intellectual sophomorons who claim omniscience.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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