1. Dump the dykes, faggots, trannies, and furries with dishonorable discharges.
2. Dump the women from combat arms.
3. Use the military to protect the US borders for a change.
Guy Fieri really. Are they going to enlist Gen Zer’s as cooks? Gimme a friggin break.
Why don’t they just wait a month?
Take a look at a time when the recruiting numbers were good, and see what you were doing then. Then look to when the numbers started dropping off, and what you were doing at that time. You should be able to figure the rest out from there.
If The People mostly see their government as the Enemy, why would they sign up to have their enemy own them and get them killed for nothing?
I don’t expect the DoD to answer.
“Mr. Beast”. Really?
We can’t go back to what we were doing before because the paradigm has shifted.
Military recruitment peaked in the 1980s and has declined since then. Sure, the existing military going woke is a factor, but it does not tell the whole story.
Its biggest problem is that the pool of qualified candidates has declined drastically. This decline is the result of two things 1) Nationalism/patriotism is no longer taught in schools. Boys are not growing up with a sense of obligation or duty to protect the nation like in generations past. And the second thing, the candidates are fatter, dumber, softer, pampered and entitled, more afraid of danger, and less able to think on their feet and be held accountable, for anything.
New leadership can certainly improve things. Re-install honor, duty, and pride, pride in being part of something greater than yourself. The military loves Trump because he respects them, that respect never came from the other side.
Correct, as usual. My thoughts are there has to be a better reward for ex mil after they get out. I’m not sure how that’s really done. Personally I would give a perspective employee a lot harder look when I saw he or she was ex mil. I don’t think I’ve ever hired a bad one. I dunno. Maybe more of a carrot with education. But it’s a train wreck right now.
wipe off crt/dei shi-ite, then flush it
The military still has the GI Bill, free college, and anyone getting a Purple Heart gets a free 4 year college education.
A New Top Gun movie coming out every year would help but you know what would help a lot, IMO, more commercials on TV.
Many HS grads have no direction, no idea what they want to do with their lives, so they go to college, community college, because there is no alternative. More commercials illustrating all the different tech skills they could learn in the military, free of charge, give them an alternative. A skill they could learn that can translate into a tech position on the outside, this is huge.
stay out of the services until the dindu bullshit is gone
Spoiler Alert:
Regardless of who is Commander-in-Chief, understand you are government property, presently as in the past, you are expendable. The perfumed Princes in the Pentagon just crunch numbers. And your worth in combat is 1. When you are gone, they’ll replace you with another 1.
I thought once I became a Sergeant, my worth would be greater. It took me 20 months in combat to figure out I remained a 1, responsible for other 1s trying our best to survive and we all were considered expendable by those Perfumed Princes in the Pentagon, Division, Battalion, Regimental or Company Commander who were attempting to succeed given their Strategic Objective that came down from High.
One thing I learned when I first Enlisted was shit certainly rolls down the command structure.The enlisted, as well as, Junior Officers (O-1-to O-4) are there to wade through it and shovel it due to Orders given by those who never got their spit shined shoes shitty.
I admit being a Vietvet my experiences (and bitterness) may differ from other Veterans of different Military actions around the globe. I salute each and every one of you. You have balls big as brass monkeys. But that’s my experience from the late 60’s and early 70s. Yet, some things haven’t and won’t change.
With the knowledge and experience I now possess in my mid-70s, You might ask, “Would you do it again?”
Absofuckintootly, I would enlist in a heartbeat with no reservation. I had good to very good Officers and good Honorable men who protected each other. There’s gonna be days, you say to yourself, “This doesn’t make a lick Sense.” You bitch about it, but legal orders are orders, I’m just a lowly expendable 1, I am their (Pentagon’s) Dog in the fight.
Or, as the Germans referred to us in WWI, “Teufel Hunden”.
If you enter the Military, may God Protect you, He and the men surrounding you will protect You and get you home.
The Pentagon – like the FBI and the CIA – needs to be fumigated, and every living rat inside it needs to be exterminated.
My guess is that it’ll be an excuse for conscription – which the Ds have been carping about for some years.
Zelenskyy needs more cannon fodder.
The military is the ultimate ‘no freedom of association’ entity.
Who would want to go to an organization full of group W bench troops?
Cross dressers, faggots, mother stabbers, father rapists.
No thanks.
Want to see recruiting go through the roof?
1. Dump the dykes, faggots, trannies, and furries with dishonorable discharges.
2. Dump the women from combat arms.
3. Use the military to protect the US borders for a change.
Guy Fieri really. Are they going to enlist Gen Zer’s as cooks? Gimme a friggin break.
Why don’t they just wait a month?
Take a look at a time when the recruiting numbers were good, and see what you were doing then. Then look to when the numbers started dropping off, and what you were doing at that time. You should be able to figure the rest out from there.
If The People mostly see their government as the Enemy, why would they sign up to have their enemy own them and get them killed for nothing?
I don’t expect the DoD to answer.
“Mr. Beast”. Really?
We can’t go back to what we were doing before because the paradigm has shifted.
Military recruitment peaked in the 1980s and has declined since then. Sure, the existing military going woke is a factor, but it does not tell the whole story.
Its biggest problem is that the pool of qualified candidates has declined drastically. This decline is the result of two things 1) Nationalism/patriotism is no longer taught in schools. Boys are not growing up with a sense of obligation or duty to protect the nation like in generations past. And the second thing, the candidates are fatter, dumber, softer, pampered and entitled, more afraid of danger, and less able to think on their feet and be held accountable, for anything.
New leadership can certainly improve things. Re-install honor, duty, and pride, pride in being part of something greater than yourself. The military loves Trump because he respects them, that respect never came from the other side.
Correct, as usual. My thoughts are there has to be a better reward for ex mil after they get out. I’m not sure how that’s really done. Personally I would give a perspective employee a lot harder look when I saw he or she was ex mil. I don’t think I’ve ever hired a bad one. I dunno. Maybe more of a carrot with education. But it’s a train wreck right now.
wipe off crt/dei shi-ite, then flush it
The military still has the GI Bill, free college, and anyone getting a Purple Heart gets a free 4 year college education.
A New Top Gun movie coming out every year would help but you know what would help a lot, IMO, more commercials on TV.
Many HS grads have no direction, no idea what they want to do with their lives, so they go to college, community college, because there is no alternative. More commercials illustrating all the different tech skills they could learn in the military, free of charge, give them an alternative. A skill they could learn that can translate into a tech position on the outside, this is huge.
stay out of the services until the dindu bullshit is gone
Spoiler Alert:
Regardless of who is Commander-in-Chief, understand you are government property, presently as in the past, you are expendable. The perfumed Princes in the Pentagon just crunch numbers. And your worth in combat is 1. When you are gone, they’ll replace you with another 1.
I thought once I became a Sergeant, my worth would be greater. It took me 20 months in combat to figure out I remained a 1, responsible for other 1s trying our best to survive and we all were considered expendable by those Perfumed Princes in the Pentagon, Division, Battalion, Regimental or Company Commander who were attempting to succeed given their Strategic Objective that came down from High.
One thing I learned when I first Enlisted was shit certainly rolls down the command structure.The enlisted, as well as, Junior Officers (O-1-to O-4) are there to wade through it and shovel it due to Orders given by those who never got their spit shined shoes shitty.
I admit being a Vietvet my experiences (and bitterness) may differ from other Veterans of different Military actions around the globe. I salute each and every one of you. You have balls big as brass monkeys. But that’s my experience from the late 60’s and early 70s. Yet, some things haven’t and won’t change.
With the knowledge and experience I now possess in my mid-70s, You might ask, “Would you do it again?”
Absofuckintootly, I would enlist in a heartbeat with no reservation. I had good to very good Officers and good Honorable men who protected each other. There’s gonna be days, you say to yourself, “This doesn’t make a lick Sense.” You bitch about it, but legal orders are orders, I’m just a lowly expendable 1, I am their (Pentagon’s) Dog in the fight.
Or, as the Germans referred to us in WWI, “Teufel Hunden”.
If you enter the Military, may God Protect you, He and the men surrounding you will protect You and get you home.
The Pentagon – like the FBI and the CIA – needs to be fumigated, and every living rat inside it needs to be exterminated.
My guess is that it’ll be an excuse for conscription – which the Ds have been carping about for some years.
Zelenskyy needs more cannon fodder.
The military is the ultimate ‘no freedom of association’ entity.
Who would want to go to an organization full of group W bench troops?
Cross dressers, faggots, mother stabbers, father rapists.
No thanks.