The President of the NEA Doesn’t Sound Like a High School Graduate – IOTW Report

The President of the NEA Doesn’t Sound Like a High School Graduate

All the …. you know… things.

31 Comments on The President of the NEA Doesn’t Sound Like a High School Graduate

  1. She sounds like the radio commercials where they keep repeating the telephone number to call over and over so it lingers in your ear like a mite. I never remember what they are selling it’s so annoying.
    Same with this ditz.

  2. “The President of the NEA Doesn’t Sound Like a High School Graduate”

    We fail to realize they’ve been working on lowering the standards to the lowest common denominator for decades. This woman is now scholar.
    Don’t let your kids or grand kids attend public skool.

  3. Honestly that sounds like the majority of public school teachers today. They can’t write any better than they speak, actually worse. They can’t teach a kid math because they don’t understand math.

  4. She sounds surprisingly similar to “Rev” Jeremiah Wright doing one of his “goddamn America” screeds.

    Lots of screaming and not much substance.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. They’re freaking out at the prospect of Trump winning because he wants to abolish the DOE and give control back to local districts. freeing children from government indoctrination systems and maybe giving poor kids a chance to go to a charter school or a religious school. Maybe they wouldn’t get pregnant at 14 or drop out at 16 to sell dope on the corner.


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