The Silent Victims: A Hidden World Where Boys Are Trafficked – IOTW Report

The Silent Victims: A Hidden World Where Boys Are Trafficked

Epoch Times: 

NEW YORK—One boy was trafficked with his mother by her husband and held in captivity for most of his life. Another was lured through video games into a family that forced him to have sexual relations with them and their friends. Yet one more, a foster care runaway, was picked up in the street and offered a place to stay—in exchange for intercourse.

These cases point to only a drop in the ocean of what many boys go through in the United States. Human trafficking, or “modern-day slavery,” is a broad term used to describe victims of forced labor, sexual exploitation or servitude, and forced marriages, among numerous other abuses. Trafficking is a problem that affects both genders, but many argue that among the victims, all aren’t receiving an equal amount of attention.

Boys who fall victim to human trafficking in the United States make up as much as 40 to 45 percent of the total victim population in some cities, studies have indicated. Despite this, men are severely neglected in an already hidden problem when it comes to resources, services, and public awareness campaigns—which focus predominantly on women.

Boys and men make up a “significant portion” of human trafficking victims, both in the United States and internationally, according to a 2019 annual report from the U.S. Advisory Council on Human Trafficking. But due to them being overlooked, “many men and boys do not identify as victims or request services,” the report found.

The advisory council referred to a 2010 piece that tracked 222 institutions at the time that received funding from the government. Of those, only two were dedicated to combating the trafficking of males.

Interviews by The Epoch Times of trafficking experts—one a victim himself—reveal a stark imbalance of attention from each sector of society. Experts say male victims are ignored not only by the mass media but by law enforcement as well, contributing to the overall lack of care. Many have expressed outrage at the apathy.

There are also vast differences in how to handle cases. For example, girls often develop Stockholm syndrome—a trauma bond where they fall in love with their abusers—something that doesn’t usually happen with boys.

From Victim to Judge

In an exclusive interview with The Epoch Times, Judge Robert Lung, who was appointed in 2018 by President Donald Trump to serve on the U.S. Advisory Council on Human Trafficking, explained how boys and men are “exceptionally” unlikely to report their own abuse.

Lung himself was trafficked by his own father between 1976 and 1980, from age 6 through 10. It wasn’t until he was in his late 30s that he accepted he had been a victim of trafficking.  more here

13 Comments on The Silent Victims: A Hidden World Where Boys Are Trafficked

  1. I can envision Mayor Pete selecting a boy to take home like he was choosing an item off a menu. Perverted homosexuals live in an entirely different and sick world.

  2. I guess I lived such a cloistered life, as I never knew of or even considered children as sexual objects.

    It’s so depressing to accept this is happening on such a scale, yet society as a whole seem disinterested or incapable of eradicating the horrific evil perpetrated on the “least among us”.

    Politicians in both parties should be ashamed for turning a blind eye.

  3. And our sick society continues to wither away…and I do not see a light at the end of the tunnel on this, just fucking darkness of evil and hell on earth.

  4. This is the internet so that article is entirely accurate.

    “I’m outraged at the fact there’s over 100,000 kids in America that are sold for sex every single day,” he said. “What we are also outraged about is—where is the outrage?”

    every single day? 36 million instances per year in a country with a population of 360 million people?


  5. Pedophile networks include every kind of social/economic status child abusers. Even the law enforcers are also participants. When alleged raids are done, only the common criminals get caught. Satanic occult families do this generationally as standard practice. Those cute little boy actors in Hollywood movies were/are used by film industry homosexual power players, too. Abuse was/is not uncommon.

    Largest Pedophile Ring in History, 70,000 Members, Heads of State, the Rats Scramble
    VT and Keshe take the lead in breaking the most insidious human trafficking gang on the planet
    By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
    Veterans Today
    “When Veterans Today tied the murder of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia to a White House blackmail plot and a strange tale involving the Keshe Foundation, it became clear that the highest and most powerful in Europe,
    the US and around the world, were tied together in a web of ritual child abuse on a massive scale. ”

    “The rumors became more than rumors when Bush 43 took office and brought with him, according to a high level White House informant, a virtual army of Neocon pedophiles and “nancyboys” who set the tone for 8 years of crushed civil liberties. staged economic crashes and the dirtiest wars in America’s history.”

    “A pedophile ring, 70,000 strong, has been identified and hundreds arrested, an organization run on the internet, centered in the Free Energy Community, including websites run out of Paris, the Netherlands and Belgium.

    What isn’t being told is that this same organization, also known as the Red Circle, runs through secret societies around the world:

    St. Hubertus
    Federalist Society
    Knights of Malta (Rome, not KMFAP in Budapest)
    Council on Foreign Relations
    Federal Reserve Bank
    Royal Families of Belgium and Netherlands
    SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States)”

  6. In 1976, at the age of 14, I almost became trafficked. I had responded to a job as a babysitter. My brother rescued me from that fate because he knew exactly what this man was trying to do. By the grace of God, right? I shudder from time to time to think what would have happened.

  7. Black child actor Ben Fellows was threatened for exposing a pedophile British politician. Fellows was used and abused by well-knowns in entertainment.

    Sunday, 2 August 2015

    “Detectives are investigating the top UK Conservative politician Kenneth Clarke over an allegation that he sexually assaulted a 14-year-old boy.

    Ken Clarke: police investigate second claim of indecent assault.

    The investigation is being carried out by the South Yorkshire police.

    A man alleges that when he was 14 he was sexually assaulted by two men, one of whom was Kenneth Clarke.”

    In the UK, the former child actor Ben Fellows (above) declared that, in 1994, the powerful Conservative politician Kenneth Clarke had groped him.

    Clarke accused Ben of lying.”

    “The Metropolitan Police paedophile unit were secretly filmed on camera at Ben Fellows home admitting that Ken Clarke was too powerful to arrest.

    “Ben was subsequently threatened with his life over the phone and by a masked figure standing outside his house. He chose to protect his life by leaving the country for Spain.

    “Ben voluntarily returned to the UK in December where he was charged with perverting the course of justice, immediately arrested at the airport and sent to prison.”

    “Ben Fellows. “I ran a gauntlet of pedophiles – both at the BBC and at other television production companies, and also in theatres, as well as on commercial photo shoots.” ‘I RAN THE GAUNTLET OF PEDOPHILES IN THE – 21st Century Wire

    Ben is from Birmingham.

    Ben was aged 13 when he arrived in London.

    He feasted “on a nightly cocktail of champagne and cocaine, unwittingly being paraded like a glittering under-age trophy.”

    He says: “The list of extremely well-known actors, casting directors, directors, producers, writers and executives
    who abused me, or attempted to abuse me sexually, while I was a child actor would make the public sick.””

  8. @jpm June 13, 2019 at 7:58 pm

    Math is racist.
    And sexist.
    And ageist.
    And appearanceist.

    You know? @jpm, how many kinda ists are you? Mr. Math genius!?

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