The Truth About Bernie Sanders and His Fatally Flawed Economic Beliefs – IOTW Report

The Truth About Bernie Sanders and His Fatally Flawed Economic Beliefs

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This guy should be a professor teaching students.  ^^^^

13 Comments on The Truth About Bernie Sanders and His Fatally Flawed Economic Beliefs

  1. Whoa, Fur! Are you sure you want to poison the minds of our youth with the philosophies of a LIBERTARIAN?? (Just a little sarcasm from a registered Republican, fiscally conservative libertarian to whom this guy makes complete sense.)

  2. I enjoy watching some of Mr. Molyneux’s videos, but I urge you to exercise caution.

    Stefan Molyneux is a Randroid Atheist, his Atheism is the intellectual foundation of his worldview. If there is no God and no objective Moral Law which we all must abide by, then what’s wrong with Stalin, Pol Pot and Castro crushing their opposition in Gulags and death camps?
    If there is no God, then might makes right.
    If there is no God then there’s nothing wrong with the Nietzscheesque ubermensch characters of Atlas Shrugged using people and discarding them as the Eddie Willers character was discarded with no concern at the end of that book. Her work owed more to Nietzche than Aristotle, see Whittaker Chambers’ review of Atlas from Dec 1957 which appeared in National Review

    If you want an apocalyptic, neopagan vision of the future to come true, have some more charasmatic Randroids teaching college classes.

    if you criticize S.E. Cupp for her atheism–which informs her worldview, then in the interest of logical consistency you must also levy the same criticism against Molyneux.

    Ayn Rand was correct in her attacks on Communism, she lived through its horrors in Russia/USSR. However she was incorrect her radical atheism.

  3. “If there is no God and no objective Moral Law which we all must abide by, then what’s wrong with Stalin, Pol Pot and Castro crushing their opposition in Gulags and death camps?”

    Under such a system where morality is rendered completely subjective, nothing at all is wrong with it.

    The logical end of rejecting the God of Scripture is that all morality is human-derived, merely a matter of opinion, thus optional. So it’s impossible under such a system to absolutely, objectively say what is evil and what isn’t. Vote fraud, stealing from and defrauding your neighbors, infanticide, etc etc etc… NOTHING is really “wrong;” all that counts is what one can safely get away with doing to others.

    The invariable result is that those who can most closely mimic the power of the God they reject, by virtue of amassing sufficient political force, take for themselves the absolute authority to determine right and wrong for everyone.

    But I’ll be fair: if there’s been even one historical exception to this rule — a purely atheistic, God-less utopia anywhere on this planet that didn’t end up with a dictatorship building mountain of skulls from undesirables and enslaving the rest — well, I’d like to know when and where it existed.

  4. I neglected to mention above that I’ve watched many of Molyneux’s videos and I’ve also Read most of Ayn Rand’s work as well as critical reviews of Rand such as Jeff Walker’s The Cult of Ayn Rand. Both Rand and Molyneux put ALL of Christianity under equal condemnation as they do Marxism (see Rand’s “The Mystcs of The Mind and The Mystics of Muscle” in the Rand Lexicon), but many Christians overlook this condemnation and look to her anti-Communism alone.

    Molyneux would like to institute a Voluntaryist Society or what some call a “Utopia Of Reason and Nonagression”, which is as impractical as a Workers Paradise.
    But I’ll be fair: if there’s been even one historical exception to this rule — a purely atheistic, God-less utopia anywhere on this planet that didn’t end up with a dictatorship building mountain of skulls from undesirables and enslaving the rest — well, I’d like to know when and where it existed.

    Well said. Whereas there are many examples of successful Christian societies in history there are no successful Utopias of Reason (see also: The Reign of Terror after the French Revolution)

  5. Well that’s some heavy condemnation of the presenter. Toss is some condemnation of Ayn Rand while you’re at it.

    If they are arguing for smaller government, personal responsibility and individualism, but also don’t believe in a God, what’s the problem?

    I’ve only seen this guy in this video but I’ve read all of Ayn Rand’s books and never had a problem separating her atheism from her views on individualism. You have to admit, she called the current nightmare we’re living to a T in Atlas Shrugged.

  6. then what’s wrong with Stalin, Pol Pot and Castro crushing their opposition in Gulags and death camps?

    what’s wrong with open borders and an open society with open marriages and lowering the age of consent to eight years old?

  7. And hey, what’s wrong with “Lying by Omission,” or kitmann as our Arabic speaking “Asian” friends would know it. Like taqiyya, it also helps advancing the agenda for izlahm ??

    Same thing my asshole brother used to do to get over on me when I was 7 or 8 years old.

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