The TV Tarts’ Reign of Terror – IOTW Report

The TV Tarts’ Reign of Terror

The Agonist: The particular CNN segment I was watching concerned Fox News personality Tucker Carlson. It was meant to help terminate the controversial anchor’s career. I recognized the sourpuss, dressed in marigold yellow, who was presiding over the seek-and-destroy mission, targeting the ultra-conservative Mr. Carlson. She was no other than Poppy Harlow.

It transpires that years back, Carlson had routinely called into a Howard-Stern-like shock-jock radio show and made naughty comments, some about women. Women were “extremely primitive,” he had quipped. Yet to watch the countless, indistinguishable, ruthless, atavistic women empaneled on CNN, MSNBC, even Fox News—one cannot but agree as to the nature and caliber of the women privileged and elevated in our democracy, and by mass society, in general.

They are certainly not women with the intellect and wit of Margot Asquith—countess of Oxford, author and socialite (1864-1945). Would that women like Mrs. Asquith were permitted to put lesser “ladies” like CNN’s Ms. Harlow in their proper place!

When asked by American actress Jean Harlow how she pronounces her first name, Margot Asquith shot back, “The ‘t’ is silent, as in Harlow.” Naturally, you’d have to have a facility with the English language to know what a “harlot” is. You’d certainly need an education, as opposed to a degree, to recognize the next character referenced.

TV’s empaneled witches and their housebroken, domesticated boys are guided more by the spirit of Madame Defarge than by Lady Justice. If parents saw to it that children got an education, not merely a degree, the brats would know who Madam Defarge was. But our uneducated ignoramuses no longer seek out the greatest literature ever. This is because most of the best books were penned by the pale, patriarchal penile people. Given this self-inflicted ignorance, few younger readers will know this most loathsome of literary icons, from “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens.

Madame Defarge is the bloodthirsty commoner who sat knittingas she watched the en masse public beheadings of aristocrats (17,000 of them) in Paris, during the Reign of Terror, aka the French Revolution, whose symbol ought to be the guillotine. (Another 10,000 perished in prison sans due process.)

America’s modern-day Madam Defarges are the harridans who shrieked in vengeance on TV when a sentencing Judge, T. S. Ellis III, dared to cite Paul Manafort’s “otherwise blameless life.” Manafort, formerly a Trump campaign adviser, will be jailed for seven-and-a-half years for non-violent “crimes” excavated by Grand Inquisitor Robert Mueller, and committed against that most wicked of government departments, the Internal Revenue Service. That a broken, frail, wheelchair-bound man might not die in jail enraged the wicked, pitiless witches of the networks.  more here


h/t Snowball the Sourpuss.

23 Comments on The TV Tarts’ Reign of Terror

  1. Uhh, sorry but Tucker Carlson is most definitely NOT ultra-conservative. He’s solid but anyone that wants more legal immigration doesn’t get it.

    Among other things.

    As for CNN and Carlson, man does he lay some pipe on them, especially Zucker-love watching him.

  2. This is VERY late night for me…is it okay to say.

    Cee U Next Tuesday types?

    ‘STEP away slowly’ from the dildos already types?

    You are starting to look like you have some type of syndrome…?




  3. Madame Defarge was actually Helen Thomas … I took her to see the executions because it got her hot and I didn’t have to actually touch her in foreplay.

  4. Asshole ignoramuses that nobody watches. This moronic show exists solely as swamp/leftist/islamic axis propaganda for other such outlets to quote.

    A mile wide and an inch deep.

  5. Women, as a group, are emotionally less developed than men IN THAT, as a group, they are more likely to not realize emotions are clouding their cognition, objectivity and judgment, AND they are, as a group, much more adept at justifying [lying to and deceiving] themselves before, during and after the fact.

    In short, they are no more intentionally dishonest than men BUT they are much better than men at believing their own lies.

  6. And that makes that much more susceptible, on the whole, to believing the attractive, appealing lies of others. As we see every election cycle. As we saw in the Garden.

    The scariest kind of women, in my opinion, are not those who don’t recognize this peculiar female weakness. It’s the women who do acknowledge it but embrace it as a strength over men. They are one of the gravest dangers to any society.

  7. Brian Williams – My gawd, Helen Thomas! I havn’t hoid of that old battleaxe for quite some time now!
    I used to say to me she looked like Helen Black….
    as well as Helen Green, Helen Brown and Helen Seersucker for that matter!

  8. the ultra-conservative Mr. Carlson

    To quote last century’s great philosopher, Mr. Randy Bachman: “Buh-buh-baby, you just ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.”

  9. @Anonymous April 28, 2019 at 6:49 am

    > This moronic show exists solely as swamp/leftist/islamic axis propaganda for other such outlets to quote.

    How do you think the Science™ gets Settled™?

  10. @grool April 28, 2019 at 7:24 am

    > more adept at justifying [lying to and deceiving]
    > …
    > In short, they are no more intentionally dishonest than men BUT they are much better than men at believing their own lies.

    Disproving yourself, Mx. @grool.
    (Or is that proving yourself?)

  11. @grool April 28, 2019 at 7:32 am

    (I almost get the feelz that this is getting personal. Almost. But it’s not. Just running the numbers.)

    > It’s the women who do acknowledge it but embrace it as a strength over men. They are one of the gravest dangers to any society.

    That is no more threat to society (any society) than fire. Or gravity. Or time. Those who refuse to acknowledge it are a threat to society (every society). Those who embrace it as a strength? Every society always has (always will have) those whose daily preyer is “What can I get away with? Today?”. Those who refuse to acknowledge this, are the gravest dangers to society.

  12. I must sgree with grool on the eye popping ability
    that many women have with self deception.
    I’ll add that their blindingly nasty ability to
    transfer their guilt by projection of their sins onto innocents is the reason I am finding that a carefully applied and specific (to individual females) form of misogynistic self defense is sometimes a very good idea.

  13. I must agree with grool on the eye popping ability
    that many women have in self deception.
    I’ll add that their blindingly nasty ability to transfer their guilt by projection of their sins onto innocents
    is the reason I have found that a carefully applied
    and specific (to individual and certain groups of females) form of misogynistic self defense is sometimes
    a very good idea.

  14. “..vapid vocabulary.” Precisely so.

    Hope none of the tele-tarts is curious enough to read that, else come Monday or Tuesday, they’ll be shrieking holocaust.

    I do like that the harpies are name-checked. It’s convenient to have them on one master not-relevant list.

  15. God bless Ilana Mercer, author of this wonderful piece!! Splendid and accurate vitriol!

    We all could name alleged females whose names she could have been added but, why bother.


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