The Wifi password the press was forced to use at Trump rally was cruel and unusually funny – IOTW Report

The Wifi password the press was forced to use at Trump rally was cruel and unusually funny


When up against corrupt forces posing as journalists, folks on the right have to get creative in pushing the other side of news stories.

Such was the case regarding the issue of parents being separated from their migrant children when arrested for illegally entering the United States, which came up during last week’s second and final presidential debate.

The left-leaning American Civil Liberties Union happened to note two days before the debate that the parents of 545 children cannot be located, and that about two-thirds of those parents were deported without their children. Lo and behold, with all that we face as a nation, NBC News’ Kristen Welker, who served as debate moderator, opted to include the issue in the questions posed to President Donald Trump and this resulted in a spirited exchange about who built the “cages” children are sometimes held in.

The answer, of course, is the Obama-Biden administration, which their media allies glance right over. So, when Trump was campaigning in Wisconsin Saturday, a clever soul apparently assigned the media password for WiFi as: more

16 Comments on The Wifi password the press was forced to use at Trump rally was cruel and unusually funny

  1. If the right can take anything from this great President it is how to be a master troll and build a staff of master trolls!

    Being aggressive and not pansies is how to win and keep winning!

  2. @ DrRiff October 27, 2020 at 6:47 pm,

    Perhaps the problem is that former republican administrations have toed the line and were not interested in “winning”….

    just a thought.


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