The Winning Message – IOTW Report

The Winning Message

ABC News

Donald Trump has told supporters not to just see him as a candidate but as “your retribution.”

In his comeback bid for the White House, the former president — twice impeached but twice acquitted and now twice indicted — has vowed that if reelected, he will wield his power to personally remake parts of the federal government to a degree that historian Mark Updegrove said was unprecedented. Trump has promised to hamstring perceived enemies, including in the Department of Justice, which is currently investigating him, and target Republican bogeymen like President Joe Biden. More

10 Comments on The Winning Message

  1. I am Canadian, but am a HUGE Trump supporter! I truly hope he does win and does send out pink slips with the notice “Your services are no longer required!” I worry that by giving this campaign speech that he will be assassinated as President Kennedy was in 1963.
    Canada has been destroyed by our feckless Prime Minister Trudeau 2.0. There are now so many more civil servants since he took power in 2015, all earning obscene amounts of money. The civil servant with whom I have had to deal at all levels have definitely been “less than special”.

  2. I would definitely like to see retribution, but one of the biggest problems is the degradation of our citizenry. So many are poorly educated, ignorant, self-absorbed, stupid, morally bankrupt, lazy and corrupt. Did I miss anything? Until that improves, it may be impossible to elect representatives that reflect the decent citizens.

    I’m not saying we should give up but I don’t know how to turn things around.

  3. It’s the keep my ass outta prison campaign.
    No Donny, your only care about protecting yourself, your retribution.
    While the MAGA people along with some GOPers will buy this BS, everyone else sees right thru his load of crap.

  4. How will we be remembered in the history books and who will write them? Billions will fade away forgotten in time even by their decendents. Trump will be a historical figure rivaling those like the great explorers and philosophers.

  5. This is a classic power struggle. First I should say DJT opened a lot of eyes. Showed how far our country was gone. DJT has worked for a living. The rest of our Government doesn’t. DJT represent prosperity to the working man. Which represent a proportional loss of money to people like the Krotch brothers. I guess one of them’s dead and gone to hell, so maybe it’s just the Krotch Bros. People like that get rich investing in foreign economies. And the worse our economy performs, the more money they make. It’s a form of treason. Buy more ammo.


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