Images from:
1) Claudia (Tracks) In snow.
2) Claudia (Wiskers) It’s January! She is wondering where the snow is.
3) Claudia (Pistol) Watching the chipmunks eating the seeds that the birds fling from the feeders looking for the good stuff.
4) Claudia (Sammy) Trying to decide if that deer is too large to tackle.
5) Pexels.com
6) Tim-FJB (Deer) in Snow.
To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:
- A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
- ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
- Your screen name.
- Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
- Comments about the critter you want to share.
NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.
12-22 It’s Christmas Time – What did Santa bring your critters? Do they love playing with the wrapping or sitting under the Christmas tree?
12-29 Happy New Year’s Day – It’s party time for your critters!
Thanks, contributors!
Sammy is thinking – “Is it deer season yet? C’mon Claudia, get your rifle!”
I have a big black cat like that one, mine, “Tuxedo” has a white spot down the front of his neck.
Sammy could take him!
You spelled “Food” wrong. 😉
Thanks Ms. C.
Ever notice a deer has the same coloring as a field mouse?
Sammy does.
Nice way to kick off the week!
Thanks, Claudia!
Love Sunday Critters! Thanks for posting them.
Maybe I’m related to Wiskers – separated at birth?
I’ve looked just like that while looking for the snow!
Great pix, Claudia, as usual
Nice pix.
A window is to cats what a TV screen is to humans. That’s their entertainment.
I’m already wondering when winter is going to end.