The Word That Must Remain Unspoken – IOTW Report

The Word That Must Remain Unspoken

Valerie Hoff DeCarlo received a harsh lesson on the proper use of the “n-word.” Even though she was quoting back to a gentleman on Twitter the very same term he had just used, Ms. De Carlo was fired from her local Atlanta TV news station when the black man she was communicating with objected, thus ending an 18-year career.


There is only one fast and safe rule now for the use of the “n-word, “Never use the n-word.”

I’m not even sure if you can pronounce the letter “N” in the “n-word” safely anymore.

25 Comments on The Word That Must Remain Unspoken

  1. I would agree that people should not use the “N” word but also would like the “R” word (RACIST) not be used! It a hate word and is used as such by the people who don’t like the “N” word!

  2. Was she remotely competent? And by competent, I mean did she pull in more money than she cost. I’ll take a guess that after eighteen years, anywhere but a unionized government job, being clearly incompetent has to be ruled out. So that makes this a good thing. Any organization that will, in the twenty-first century, drop a profit center for badspeak that is not slagging the organization, has benefited society. Just like the recipients of The Darwin Awards.

  3. Funny thing is, words aren’t offensive.
    People are!
    People who are offended are offensive.
    This is all part of a pattern to make people think other than their natural inclination. If I were a negro, I would want people to use “the n-word” as much as they liked, so that I could easily identify those I would want to be offended by … at … whatever …
    Like the words “cracker” or “honky” or “wage earners” or “taxpayers” or “working class” – I know the “racists” amongst the negroes and the media.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. How totally absurd to try to say that i shouldn’t say nigger because someone might get upset.
    I could care less if someone is upset. To be afraid of a word is a pathetic existence.

  5. I didn’t think you had to be black to be a gga. I thought it was a term of endearment between gga’s and that was the context that the man used it in the first tweet to her.

  6. Simple solution here is to not allow some PC goof to control your life.

    On another note, I’m going to be forced to use an ad blocker because this site is loaded with scum popup ads that have been killing the experience on mobile devices the past few weeks. Something is slowing the site down making it near impossible to even type this message.

  7. It is racist and unAmerican that one group, because of skin color, is allowed to use a word but another group, because of skin color cannot.

    As long as blacks use nigga as a slang word, whites should use it. I’ll stop when they do.


  8. Before I stopped watching local news, 11Alive was my channel of choice and I always liked Valerie Hoff.

    In the link below to the AJC article on the incident, a poll was included at the bottom. Check out the results (and maybe vote if the poll’s still live). There are still some intelligent people reading the AJC.

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