The World is Resisting the Left and Their Terrible Ideas – IOTW Report

The World is Resisting the Left and Their Terrible Ideas

Lurker sent me this clip of 2 separate interviews with Polish and Hungarian leaders where they flatly say they have no moral obligation to take in migrants and they do not want to.

The world over the left, and their demands, is being rejected. Trump is the keystone in this. He’s setting the tone. We’re going to have to get MEGA hats. Make Earth Great Again.

11 Comments on The World is Resisting the Left and Their Terrible Ideas

  1. George Soros should be arrested in ANY country he sets foot and be tried as a war criminal for pushing this immigration scheme of the globalists!

  2. Amen arrest SoreAss & his son.
    What part of NO “we do not want savage
    7 century apes in our country” do you
    not understand ???

  3. Anonymous 12:43

    I clicked on the comment section of that story, expecting a

    bunch of bleeding heart BS…Boy was I wrong !!! First comment

    “Too funny, illegals get to ruin both countries.”

  4. For eight years I crawled on my belly like Andy through the sewer of putrid crap that was Barack Obama, only to emerge to a rain storm of liberal tears that has washed me clean, I now live on the beach of an azure ocean and work to repair the boat known as America…


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