Theory: the CA fires were started by drug cartels to burn out CA’s legal marijuana-growing industry. – IOTW Report

Theory: the CA fires were started by drug cartels to burn out CA’s legal marijuana-growing industry.

There is a strong possibility that the wildfires were set deliberately, and may be linked to drug cartels operating north of the border...
Experts quickly noticed something interesting: The fires have dramatically impacted the state’s burgeoning legal marijuana industry… and that could be the work of powerful Mexican drug syndicates...
“…the areas hit hardest by the fires are the same places that California’s marijuana industry legally grows cannabis, and [ experts] are now starting to suspect foul play...
Both the New York Times and NBC News have pointed out that recreational marijuana grow operations — which are legal under California law — have all but been destroyed by the flames.
On top of destruction to the actual plants, a significant amount of cash has also gone up in smoke, and the legal grey area of marijuana at the federal level means that almost nothing is insured.
 h/t the world’s biggest hit

18 Comments on Theory: the CA fires were started by drug cartels to burn out CA’s legal marijuana-growing industry.

  1. Huh. That’s exactly what I heard from a tourist today who lives there. He told me “military grade accelerants” were found in the area, and that the drug cartels were trying to burn out each others’ illegal grows.

  2. The area also produces a lot of grapes, and old vine wines. This will put a cramp on cheap California wine production. Probably ISIS connected too. Ohhh Well, pass the Jack.

  3. I wouldn’t be surprised. The small time weed shops always get robbed by people who sell it on the streets and drug dealers fight each other all the time as well. Why is this all of a sudden NEWS?

    CA has the simplest reasons to build their wall and cut off the gravy train but for some reason, they love the drama.

  4. It’s true. The county I live in has had about 8 fires and all of them in areas where they grow. Some legal and some illegal. All these fires started just before harvest, and acres of weed went up in flames. Another dagger in Jerry Brown’s heart. I hold him responsible for all these disasters in California.

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