There is So Much Wrong in This JoeMoron Statement – IOTW Report

There is So Much Wrong in This JoeMoron Statement

11 Comments on There is So Much Wrong in This JoeMoron Statement

  1. “What’s the bid deal, if you get the jab you probably won’t die from it…or you may not die from it. Come on man, show your patriotism. It’s the duty of every American to roll up those sleeves and take the death jab. Think of the greater good.”

  2. I thought patriotism included not selling out to China or Russia or telling lies about a sitting president (which China Joe did while Trump was in office) or having your drug-addled son selling influence and giving you 10%.

  3. Get a shot that will alter your DNA, affect future fertility and possibly give you blood clots, strokes and heart disease. Oh, wait, and it still won’t prevent you from getting the disease that it is meant to protect you against. What’s the big deal. It’S tHe pAtrIotiC thIng tO Do.

  4. What’s the big deal yourself?
    Trying to make it a patriotism issue?
    Like your “patriotism” to all the Americans you left stranded in shitholistan?
    Why are you inserting your nosy self into my personal health regimen?
    It’s none of governments fucking business. Period.


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