They come here out of LOVE! – IOTW Report

They come here out of LOVE!

The love of selling Meth.

Breitbart Texas: A joint law enforcement task force arrested a previously deported criminal alien and his brother for allegedly transporting nearly 200 pounds of methamphetamine.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents teamed up with deputies from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office to arrest two brothers who were allegedly smuggling a large volume of methamphetamine, according to information obtained by Breitbart Texas from ICE officials.

The task force attempted to arrested Jayor Haro-Lopez, 34, a Mexican national with a prior criminal history that includes prison time and at least two deportations, and his brother Hernan Haro-Lopez, 28, after observing them loading a suspicious box into one of their vehicles. Officials listed the younger brother as a Phoenix resident. The made no mention of his citizenship, nationality, or immigration status.

Officers surveilling the two brothers followed them to a storage facility where they removed a large box and placed it into Jayro’s SUV. After following the two vehicles for several miles, officers attempted to stop both vehicles.  MORE


SNIP: Here’s another dude that came here out of love and for some good weather—

While driving along the westbound side of I-20 through Georgia, Juan Jesus Castillo-Reyes, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, allegedly crashed into four cars that were stopped due to construction, according to WJBF.

– Illegal Immigrant Charged for U.S. Airman’s Death

8 Comments on They come here out of LOVE!

  1. 200 pounds at a time, under Trump our expensive law enforcement should start paying off. This is great news for American families who have been affected by crippling drug addiction or buried a loved one from it. If there was only one thing Trump did during his campaign and election it was to shine a very bright light on our country’s terrible drug problem and its biggest source.

  2. What most people seem unaware of nowadays is the origin of the term “outlaw”.

    In modern usage, it’s become a synonym for the word “criminal”, but that’s not what the word actually means. An outlaw was someone who had been legally declared ‘outside the law’. Not in the sense that the law does not apply to them and they may therefore do as they please, but in the sense that the PROTECTIONS of the law no longer applied to them.

    As in, it was not considered a crime for anyone else to inflict harm on them. One could legally rob them, steal their possessions, injure them, or even kill them. They were outside the law; the law did not protect them.

    Killing an outlaw was not murder. It was perfectly legal for any legitimate citizen (or, to more historically appropriate, subject) to do.

    So, with that in mind, here’s my proposal: declare all illegals as outlaws, once they’ve been deported.

    The immediate counter-argument to this is that this would create mass chaos, with murders (especially of Hispanics) happening left and right, with the excuse, “I thought he was an outlaw.” This is easy to solve. Once an illegal is arrested, right before deportation we give them an unmistakable brand, in a highly visible place – on the face, let’s say. For instance, a 4-inch letter “D” on each cheek, for “DEPORTED”.

    These MS-13 types already have a demonstrated fondness for facial tattoos, so I don’t see where this is any different.

    Think about how quickly the illegal population will drop once they learn that (A) getting deported earns them a huge “D” branded on each cheek, and (B) anyone walking around in the US with a huge “D” branded on each cheek can be legally killed by ANYONE.

    Secondary bonus: maybe we’ll get lucky and liberal idiots will try to show solidarity with illegals and fake the “D” brand on their own faces. Some of them will surely be killed by accident.

  3. “They come here for love” of the enormous in sums of money that can be made from suckers. Perhaps the penalty for the first offense should be castration.

  4. I only know one guy that stop using meth, 14 years clean. He lost all his teeth ten year after he got out. Our boss got him implants because he’s so valuable.
    Why the hell would anyone start?

  5. Americas down fall is 1st-no love or obedience of God and second a love for drugs-a quick high and fix to make the misery and pain go away. and many other things that the people think will make their lives better-easier.
    “come to me all you that labor and are heavy burdened and I will give you rest”

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