They’re Kicking the Dirt Over Harry Reid in Nevada Today – IOTW Report

They’re Kicking the Dirt Over Harry Reid in Nevada Today

St. Louis Post-Dispatch

LAS VEGAS (AP) — The life of former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who rose from childhood poverty and deprivation in Nevada to become one of the nation’s most powerful elected officials, will be celebrated by two American presidents and other Democratic leaders on Saturday, a testament to his impact on some of the most consequential legislation of the 21st century.

President Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer are scheduled to speak during an invitation-only memorial for the longtime Senate leader who died Dec. 28 at home in Henderson, Nevada, at age 82 of complications from pancreatic cancer. Former President Barack Obama, who credits Reid for his rise to the White House, is scheduled to deliver the eulogy. More

In case you were wondering why Reid wasn’t given as proper a D.C. funeral as Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, just read what Peter Schweizer has to say about the jerk. – Dr. Tar


Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute and host of the Drill Down podcast, said on Thursday that former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) enriched himself and his family by leveraging his political power.

Reid “enriched himself and his family,” Schweizer said on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow, “but you’ve got to give him credit. He had staying power. He had enemies in Washington, DC, but he always seems to overcome them and win.” More

32 Comments on They’re Kicking the Dirt Over Harry Reid in Nevada Today

  1. I can’t wait to drink to Pelosi’s death.
    Jimmy Carter can’t outrun the Grim Reaper much longer either.
    Bill Clinton? Knock knock knockin’

    Hey Harry, Mitt Romney should get a tax deduction for your wonderful demise.
    You rat bastard sack of horse shit.
    R O T in HELL!

  2. Hand me down my walkin’ cane
    Hand me down my hat
    Hurry now and don’t be late
    ‘Cause we ain’t got time to chat
    You and me, we’re goin’ out
    To catch the latest sound
    Guaranteed to blow your mind
    So high you won’t come down

    Hey, FDR in Hell, prepare yourself for the rubberband man
    You’ve never heard a sound
    Like the rubberband man
    You’re bound to lose control
    When the rubberband starts to jam

    [Post-Chorus 1]
    Oh, this dude is outta sight
    Everything he does
    Seems to be far left of the right

  3. Just think about how many of the democrat leadership is hovering over a hole in the ground right now. It’s gonna be glorious when all of those old bi*ches and bastards start croaking.

  4. Remember that comedy bit by Sam Kinison where he talked about reading in the newspaper that a group of Satanists would go around to cemeteries and dig up the freshest male corpse and have sex with it?

    I pray that happens to Harry Reid. 🥳

  5. Face down so he can see Satan smiling at the gates of hell when he slides down, I would carry a urinal to collect my own piss if I had to stand in line, don’t want to waste any before I get to his grave due to long lines.

  6. The dude(ess) that sets up the beer concession at the cemetery gate will make a fortune.

  7. @ jellybean JANUARY 8, 2022 AT 2:33 PM

    I certainly hope that there are the “>6′” signs for everyone in the line.

    We don’t want everyone that wants to piss on this cocksuckers grave to get the sniffles.


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