They’re Stuck With Him – IOTW Report

They’re Stuck With Him

DMUK: Wisconsin does not allow withdrawal from the ballot for any reason besides death. 

In Nevada, no changes can be made to the ballot after 5 p.m. on the fourth Friday in June of an election year or ‘a nominee dies or is adjudicated insane or mentally incompetent.’ 

In Texas, the two party’s nominees have until the 74th day before the election to withdraw from the ballot. Some states, like South Carolina, do not allow candidates to withdraw for political reasons. 

From Daily Beast- Jill Biden Must Step Up Now to Help Oust Her Husband.

From NYTimes: To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race

25 Comments on They’re Stuck With Him

  1. Jackass Joe is a combination of chewing gum and dog shit on the soles of the democRAT party and the worst part is they keep stepping in it and smearing the nation with it! Time to put an end to this filth and corruption!

  2. For decades the two worthless major political parties have been colluding at the state level to pass ballot access laws to keep their competition either away or at a minimum. Nice to see their own laws coming back to bite them in the ass. Richard Winger’s great site covers all of their shenanigans in great detail. And let’s not forget that the democrats broke hundreds of laws to put mail-in ballots in place and NOBODY STOPPED THEM or cared.

  3. He can have all kinds of accidents, die in office (in his sleep, wink wink), perpetual benefits for the widow… Gawd, they’ll even try to lionize his memory, it’s perfect! Kackles the blowjob gets to be the first, she’ll pardon boy-blunder the cokehead, it’ll be glorious!

  4. He’ll be in Hospice soon. Ladies and gentlemen, Acting President Kamala Harris.

    “Ma’dam Acting President Harris, what do you have to say?”


  5. Man on the hill
    “JOE will be the next JFK. Kilt by the CIA.”
    Can’t wait to read the bullsh!t Mueller Report on that.
    Let me guess, “A lone rural white 2nd amendment supporter”.
    Not an army of FBI and CIA agents.

  6. Slightly off topic, but…
    I just finished rewatching video of Biden’s near faceplant on the stage at the Air Force Academy. What I never noticed before is he had just started that fake two step trot of his right before he hit the deck–makes it even funnier. Not quite as good as the AF1 stairs but that one is a classic and will never be topped.

  7. Believing that states controlled by the proggies will abide by their own rules is folly and we should know that instinctively at this point.

    The law is what they say it is.

  8. With regard to states not allowing…
    A number of battleground states unlawfully enacted last-minute changes to their voting laws to allow mail-in ballots, drop boxes and other forms of fuckery, so I have no faith that any law that inconveniences democrats will be followed.

  9. Biden can drop out anytime he is forced to the name on the ballot doesn’t mean a whole lot. legally electors are not required to vote for who they were elected to vote for, If the DNC dumps Biden in September the electors could be choosing for Biden and vote for Newsome or Hillary or Kamala and it would all be legal.

  10. No CIA needed.

    They will just stop his meds on one of his three day weekend beach trips and he will be gone.

    Then we get Mike, anther black guy on the democrat ticket. But Mike is all black unlike his half white husband.


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