This dude loves poodding – IOTW Report

This dude loves poodding

Rambling Beach Cat

Weird Crime Wednesday: The Proof is in the Pudding

 Framingham, Massachusetts

The last 12 months have been pretty rough on 21-year-old David Blanchard. He and his girlfriend, 20-year-old Adriana Laurano, have been arrested twice: In March of 2013 for resisting arrest and in June for throwing rocks at a car. In David’s defense, however, the people they were throwing rocks at had blown an air horn at them…but he also beat up a disabled person last year, too, so you shouldn’t feel too bad for him.

On February 22 of 2014, however, David officially changed from being “short tempered and possibly just unlucky” to “severely deranged.” After being arrested (again) for shoplifting at Kohl’s, Blanchard’s bail was set at $2,500. He probably should have expected this due to having a record, but it apparently pissed him off enough to call his lawyer…or somebody else.

Actually, none of the reports on this incident reveal who he was trying to reach. What they do say, however, is that Blanchard refused to inform the person on the other end of the line that the call would be recorded. This resulted in police terminating the call, which in turn set off a massive chain reaction of crazy.

Blanchard kicked things off by immediately assaulting two nearby officers. After being put into his cell, he attempted to choke and hang himself with the t-shirt he was wearing.

This is normally the part of the story where I’d move on and find something else to write about. It’s hard to bring my brand of substandard, snarky humor about something as tragic as a person trying to end their own life (even someone like this guy). But what he did next, however, was equal parts hilariously ballsy and unbelievably disgusting.



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