This is a Great Start To Turning This Country Around – IOTW Report

This is a Great Start To Turning This Country Around

See, when legislators aren’t just sitting around trying to think of ways to enrich themselves, save their jobs, or get a game of golf with Obama, they sometimes come up with brilliant bills. Now, if the other 49 states introduced the same bill we will be making a little progress.

We can chip away, chip away, little by little.

The Daily Caller –

An Illinois state legislator has introduced a bill that would prevent anyone who has been convicted of crimes related to terrorism from teaching courses at taxpayer-funded colleges and universities.

The author of the legislation — Illinois House Bill 150 — is Rep. Charlie Meier, a rural-district Republican, The State Journal-Register reports.

The bill comes on the heels of a bizarro trend of terrorist hiring by the three-school University of Illinois system.

In the latest instance, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign — the semi-prestigious flagship school of the state’s college system — hired, then sacked, then re-hired James Kilgore, a felon convicted of murder and a former member of the infamous Symbionese Liberation Army.


12 Comments on This is a Great Start To Turning This Country Around

  1. Illinois the bastion of marxist/socialist radicalism, powerful unions, sleazy politicians and government corruption.
    The good people (the majority) of Illinois deserve better.

    Just watch, the bill will never pass in the democrat controlled house and senate.

  2. The dewy-faced, as yet unlaid 14 year old who wrote this piece for The Daily Caller wrote “the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign — the semi-prestigious flagship school of the state’s college system”, as if the opinion of some mutt scribe working for a Tits & Ass (with a little RINO politics thrown in) webzine counts for a friggin’ hill of beans.

    The Daily Caller WISHES it was “semi-prestigious”!

    Take THAT!

  3. Universities and colleges are pestiferous cesspits of totalitarian dogma. They are wholly-owned subsidiaries of National and Inter-National Socialism and will brook no heresy.

    Their cowardice is exceeded only by their greed for taxpayer’s dollars. They should receive NO public funding. PERIOD. Let the fools and morons who desire to be indoctrinated pay for the professorship.

  4. It’s all right, Chief. We expect that deep-seated Purdue-envy to come out every now and then. 😉

    But seriously, why can’t an IL legislator just come right out and use state funds to put a bounty on Ayers’ head? Hire FPS Russia and make it a drone strike if that makes it more consistent with the way the White House operates.

  5. Billy does this thing where he gets nekkid and crawls around on all fours, barking like a dog. Then me and Reggie yell: “You know what we do to dogs, doncha?” while smackin his ass with a belt. And Billy starts wagging his ass back and forth till me and Reggie take him from both ends!

    It’s a hoot!

  6. Ayers got off on a technicality so he was never convicted. Any worded legislation, such as this, needs more specific “verbiage” to include “implied” “acts of terrorism/acts of treasonous activity” etc, you know, to cover as broad a spectrum as possible. I’m actually coping this to send to my local state rep. Thanks for the h/t.

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