This is the heartland, the bulk of America, and the Dems will suffer – IOTW Report

This is the heartland, the bulk of America, and the Dems will suffer

10 Comments on This is the heartland, the bulk of America, and the Dems will suffer

  1. Heartland is rapidly becoming every part of this nation except the surrounding counties of D.C. and the capital itself.

    It will be a quick and nearly bloodless revolt when they finally push the tyranny too far.

  2. Pillowsee has lost whatever common sense sense she had…
    Donald Trump is surrounded by expensive lawyers who will avoid a cover-up,
    SanFran Nan and her gaggle of honkers are desperate to grasp that anything,
    Democrats are desperate not to work,
    When this impeachment attempt fails, hang in the ringleaders for Treason!

  3. In the minds of Americans, there are two Americas now. Not only do they not get along with each other, they are wholly incompatible. I believe this was Abigail Adams point earlier in the week on @Pinko’s program.

    The original, real America has compromised far too long with the century-old, collectivist, ‘other’ America. This has to stop.

  4. Sounds a LOT like what I was hearing in left leaning Walla Walla over the weekend.
    We visited the Farmer’s Market on Saturday and this conversation was going on all around us.

  5. A Leftist is a coward, and avoids confrontation because it has some mental genes missing…cannot comprehend reality, no empathy, seeks power on;y they did not come to America. But over the decades, the progeny of patriots, to some degree were this sub human offspring and today are about 30 percent of the population. They prey upon the weak, do not produce anything but misery and destroy civilization…this is where we are today. When they outnumber us, they will make us into slaves and kill off those who do not submit..

  6. Take all the Progressives in the country and give them California. Finish the wall on the southern border, turn right at Arizona and left again at the southern part of Oregon. They’ll have all the natural resources they need to survive and the state will collapse within 20 years.

  7. Hey Riff!

    We can task ‘Congressman’ Hank, including his entire staff, with taking advantage of the opportunity by performing an in-depth, in-person, blue ribbon study into impact of sudden, surging mass immigration on island landmass X/Y axis stability. To be documented with footnotes, cross referenced, replete with ample graphs and illustrations.
    Prior to coordinated blue water Steel Rain, that is.
    Maybe Mighty Mo can be recalled for appropriate duty! She’s been there before, sending downrange messages to other tyrants. Just have to replace the Rising Sun Ensign with that of the Braying Jackass/Hammer & Sickle. No need for a signing party, this time.

  8. JDHasty, do you think that anyone under the age of 50 knows who Marcus Whitman is or was? Marcus Whitman saved the Oregon and Wash. territories in the 1830’s and 40’s so that they didn’t become British before the Cayuse Indians massacred him and his family down around Walla Walla. Too many people probably think that he’s related to Slim Whitman or that Whitman’s samplers chocolates were named after him or couldn’t tell you that Whitman County in SE Wash. state was named after him. It’s a shame that the college named after him (Whitman College) in Walla Walla is such a liberal hellhole.


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