Thug who sucker-punched elderly woman in church turned in by his AUNT! – IOTW Report

Thug who sucker-punched elderly woman in church turned in by his AUNT!


11 Comments on Thug who sucker-punched elderly woman in church turned in by his AUNT!

  1. We don’t need to know all the details. Just that the scumbag was arrested.

    Now the Aunt is in danger when this POS gets a slap on the wrist and is released.

    Stupid, stupid , stupid. The aunt is probably a Church going lady and this thug isn’t going to let it go.

  2. I guess this is a good thing. I know that if that was me or one of my brothers my father would have been surrendering a badly beaten and bruised suspect to the police station. He sure would have. He took no shit from us and was a very straight up man. But i guess thats how he managed to raise a load of children back thru the 60-70-80s and not one of us end up in jail or a junkie or hands upped to death by the police… He was an incredible father to us. We miss him.

  3. The word Thug entered the English language from India.
    Lately I’ve been reading a lot of history about the British Empire and I was surprised to learn this bit of language trivia.

    “So it may be a surprise that the word originates far away, in India.

    “As far as I can tell, thug goes back to the 14th Century,” says Megan Garber, who traced the word’s origin for a story in The Atlantic. “There was a gang of criminals known as the thuggee.”

    Garber says the Thugs were a huge criminal network that operated all around India’s main roads.

    “They would basically befriend travellers along the roads, gain the travellers’ trust,” she says. “And then they would murder them, usually by strangulation, and steal their valuables. It was all very violent.” .

    The MO sounds familiar as it is still practiced today:
    We’re from the government and we are here to help.

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