Thumbs Down On Biden’s Address To Congress – IOTW Report

Thumbs Down On Biden’s Address To Congress

Becker News

Joe Biden waited nearly 100 days to give his first presidential address to Congress. It doesn’t appear to have been highly anticipated, based on how few Americans actually tuned into the livestreams to watch him.

Once again, there was much more negative reaction than positive reaction on the Youtube livestreams. Just take a look. More

12 Comments on Thumbs Down On Biden’s Address To Congress

  1. I hardly NEED to listen to a vacuum cleaner droning, to know the sound ALREADY sucks. 🙄

    If he’d stood there for 2 hours, and read the Bethesda phonebook listings,

    a) it WOULD have been better than what he actually did, but
    b) it would’ve revealed the EXACT same knowledge we ALL knew, BEFORE he opened his piehole. 😳

  2. Joey Cringe and a supporting cast of a few hundred lackeys, traitors, and absolute assholes did not appeal to me.

    I watched Dr. Pimple Popper instead. Talk about real pus and infections that can be treated.

  3. I watched Them again on TCM last night. Better watching giant radioactive mutant ants than watching joey drone on before Congress like he knows what he’s talking about. And besides I didn’t know that Leonard Nimoy and Fess Parker, ol Davey Crockett and Dan’l Boone himself (or hadn’t paid attention when I’ve watched it before) both had bit parts in Them.

  4. I watched it. It was a real historic occasion. He should have just turned the teleprompter around and let people read the words his Socialists-Communists handlers wrote for him. I don’t believe he has any comprehension what all this nonsense is going to cost or the effect it will have on the tens of millions of citizens who didn’t vote for this incompetent Fraudster. It made me certain that he won’t be stopped until Trump starts holding rallies, and gets this country behind overthrowing this charlatan and his crooked crew in the next two National Elections.

  5. I hate Joe’s breathy soft flat whiny voice and his black beady eyes worse than Obama’s god like tones.
    Didn’t think that was possible, but yeah.

    When he loses track on the teleprompter he just emphatically repeats the last line 3 times. Plain torture that is.

  6. Just imagine being the kind of asshole who would say or believe that the 1/6 Capitol melee was “the greatest attack against US democracy since the civil war.” JHFC… You have got to be fucking kidding me.

  7. For example: I have never heard the actual voice of AOC cause I have actually never clicked on any video with her on. I also don’t ever watch T.V. I read transcripts. I never click to the major networks That’s how disgusted I am..


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