TikTok Forms Moderation Bureau with US Government – IOTW Report

TikTok Forms Moderation Bureau with US Government

Information Liberation:
As part of an effort to avoid being banned and/or taken over in the United States, TikTok has formed a “content moderation” bureau headed by a former US Secret Service agent that will be reporting to the US government. Moderate

10 Comments on TikTok Forms Moderation Bureau with US Government

  1. I like the content I get on TT…lots of funny stuff, lots of patriots, lots of spiritual guidance, recipes, etc. Now I have to decide if I’ll delete the app. I spend too much time on my device so maybe I’ll get back to good old books

  2. So now that Elon has exposed the government’s censorship involvement with tech, all pretense has been dropped, and now it is openly colluding with tech to censor content. And the fact that TicToc is a Chicom entity makes it even more sinister.

  3. Content isn’t the issue. The collection of information of US citizens by the Chi Coms is the issue.
    Band aids.
    That’s all these leftist tools ever offer. Trying to soothe the masses.


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