TIL about Georgia’s “Grand Canyon” – IOTW Report

TIL about Georgia’s “Grand Canyon”

9 Comments on TIL about Georgia’s “Grand Canyon”

  1. Since when are humans not part of nature? Little breathless, brit squirrel can below me…..
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Every few years some noob journo at the AJC, or some Eurodouche journo like this guy, rediscovers the LGC and writes a scolding tut tut to the rednecks of yore. For at least the last fifty years. Yawn.

  3. Liberal Pap.
    Naturally it was whitey who did this ‘damage’
    “They either didn’t know anything about crop rotation and soil management, or they just didn’t care”
    Fooking Liberal Twat
    Yeah I got time in between the 120 plus hours a week I bust my ass farming not to starve to death, fighting savage Indians who eat up all the game and then move on to other places to eat up all the game, fending off Spanish, and making my own clothes and everything else I need, to worry about negative erosion effects on unstable soils forty miles away.
    Look here you goggle eyed reprobate, go look into what it does to the ground to mine lithium used in your clean energy electric car batteries and come back and tell me about soil management, you douche nozzle.

  4. Lefty prick is about right. Just another example of leftwing shitfinger opportunist. Bet he doesn’t have a YouTube on this one:

    EPA says it won’t repay claims for spill that caused yellow rivers

    “DENVER — The Environmental Protection Agency said Friday it will not repay claims totaling more than $1.2 billion for economic damages from a mine waste spill the agency accidentally triggered in Colorado, saying the law prohibits it.

    The EPA said the claims could be refiled in federal court, or Congress could authorize payments.

    But attorneys for the EPA and the Justice Department concluded the EPA is barred from paying the claims because of sovereign immunity, which prohibits most lawsuits against the government.”

    And let JD clear something up: the EPA didn’t accidently trigger this, they NEGLIGENTLY triggered it and there is a huge difference in degree if not in kind.

  5. Balding Brit poofter calls this a “scar” because it’s man-made? Well, the Grand Canyon is a scar too, caused by God’s flood (not the Colorado River).


    “Scar” implies a wound to a living being, namely, Mother Erf. He’s a pagan, too.


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