Tim Kaine’s Spanish rally in Phoenix didn’t help Clinton’s numbers in Arizona – IOTW Report

Tim Kaine’s Spanish rally in Phoenix didn’t help Clinton’s numbers in Arizona


Two weeks ago, the popular campaign forecasters at FiveThirtyEight gave Hillary Clinton a nearly 60 percent chance of winning Arizona.

It was big news in the campaign world considering the state has long been a Republican stronghold, known for carrying some of the strongest immigration enforcement laws. Pundits declared Arizona the new swing state as Clinton surged in the polls with the help of the state’s growing Latino population that has tripled in 25 years.

But Trump has since been catching up with the help of former Republican Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who boosted their careers as immigration hard-liners. Arpaio, who faces criminal contempt of court charges in a racial profiling case, has lost support in Maricopa County, where voters will decide his fate, but is seen more favorably across the state.

10 Comments on Tim Kaine’s Spanish rally in Phoenix didn’t help Clinton’s numbers in Arizona

  1. Speaking of Spanish….

    Check out Lupita Galindo’s most recent Latinos for Trump vid at Washington State for Trump 2016 Facebook:


    Lupita made a series of these videos that are Trumpalicious! You’ll see more of them at YT in the next few days. She’s one of our fabulous Washington state Trump volunteers who also believes that coffee is for closers.

    (we now return you to your boring story about Timmeh and his failed rally in AZ) 😉


    (If you want to make history between now and November 8th, jump on Trump Talk and start persuading! Details at the Donald Trump website.)

  2. Press 1 for English.
    Press 2 for a big Andate a la Cresta to the dumb shit running mate of someone who left her morales, scruples and honesty on a dirty plant stand next to a lava lamp and her thesis on Saul Alinsky and Karl Marx only to wind up as the Crooked Criminal Business partner of a depraved, trailer-park troll who was convicted of perjury, disbarred and impeached!

  3. Right and HRC was going to win Texas too. Their attempts to demoralize and suppress the Trump vote failed. How many people even showed up to Kaine’s rally? The guy is lucky to draw a few dozen people anywhere he goes.

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